Thursday, April 6, 2017

Why doesn't Odie talk?

   "Why doesn't Odie talk?"
   I always loved Garfield as a kid, though Bill the Cat said:  "Real cats don't eat lasagna."  Plus, in Bloom County they were always hunting liberals.  
   Garfield actually lost a little weight, getting more lean as he evolved, and Odie went through a bit of color-changing evolution as well; moreover, read War and Peace, but he doesn't seem to be vociferous in any manner--oh well, at least he always appears to be smiling, and they say werewolves have telepathy; thus, related to Homo Lupus, I guess he just grabs you're attention with loyal love, for dogs work on the reward system.  You can't tough love a dog, or sensitive people, but with the reward system, all those related to canines are forged friendly and benign, but kick a dog, and he'll take a bite out of your snatch.