Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thoracic Animus (20)

   "Thoracic Animus (20)"
   Doc had ignited the internal cockpit light, and having jury-rigged an auto-pilot off of his Smart Phone, adapting it further to take voice commands, he escorted Mutt into the fuselage made into a small dining area, where he had fresh salmon and sweet and sour glaze, going for the macrobiotic nutrition; anyway, after popping open a few Dr. Peppers, the feast began; then, the twosome burped up the carbonated colas.

Ya, Dr. Pepper is healthier than Coke, for it has the name Doctor in it.

How long before you can make the jump to light speed?

Boy, what the hell you saying?

Sorry--just always wanted to say that, and the time feels right.

Oh ya--like that old Obi-Wan in STAR WARS.  But boy, we going to Antarctica, not Han Solo's frigid Hoth.  And it's like that 1980's sci-fi flick, THA THANG.

You mean, THE THING.

Don't give me that Yankee vernacular boy; I'm taking you to see angels and demons.  Hell, it's better than a John Wayne Western.  

I was always partial to Jimmy Stewart--he was a wiry scrapper.