Thursday, November 30, 2017
A Were-Wheaten Christmas (4)
"A Were-Wheaten Christmas (4)"
Sister Shaqdiesel pulled up onto the Holy Ground of her Church in an economically-inclined automobile; specifically, a rice burner; however, rice has fueled many throughout wars; regardless, Sister Shaqdiesel only had gasoline running through her veins to do one thing, as her bumper sticker boldly declared:
She wasn't fond of a Were-Wheaten making cute poops in the suburban sprawl under the government's bizarre selection; indeed, she was the non-patriot, forgetting that Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson knew money would be the main factor, but liking sport, they wrote in our laws that EVERY man should have a chance, whether a coyoteman, a baker, a truck driver, or even a naughty nurse.
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Freddy Hart was onto the angry nun; however, her pal Aceline told her not to worry about anything save the Goodness of God. To always question, though seem like you're not, and to never be bleu, but always have a little rouge on; plus, vert for those that venomously vex.
Freddy thought about purchasing a Pomsky. To add a little spunk to the pack. It would be all the jazz, especially if she named the dog something cool, like Junkyard, Mutt, or Burt. Oh well, she'd look online tomorrow. For now, she lathered her curious Chinese cuisine in heavy sauces and enjoyed the spice of it all.