Saturday, November 25, 2017

Pious Santa, more . . .

   "Pious Santa, more . . ."
   Nikola would give some charity (love) to the little elves @ the shelter--if they were nice, not nefarious and nasty, like crummy being passed around.  Wondered what Venus told Jupiter when they went face to face a week or so back?  All those women, some virginal, some not, speaking to a mighty man with many moons.  Nikola knew.  And they say nothing happened, but always in the Heavens first.  How the Heavens do their job, and a loner planet out of sync, like a busy junkyard, houses monstrous corruption, save for the bold and bodacious.
   Nikola went to talk to a Serbian Orthodox Priest.  Kinda/sorta difficult to find in Middle TN. these days; however, always was.  The Priest mentioned:  "The Protestants have nobody on the Cross, and they walk away--guilt free.  The Orthodox put a foot rest for Christ, and the agony is not so bad; however, the Catholics torture themselves in brutal passion--all for the better."
   "What does it totally mean?"  Nikola probed.
   The Priest responded:  "Santa deserves to deal in coal @ times.  But his heart can reforge it into diamonds."