Friday, March 24, 2017
Angel Hair & Grandma
"Angel Hair & Grandma"
First of all: Boy, being from the backwoods of Tennessee, he boldly states: "When ya eat urself a can of them Beanie-Weenies, enjoy the beanies, but never the weenies--ya hear me boy."
* * * *
Now, for something beyond seedless watermelon: Went to visit my Grandma in a nursing home. I was eternally emaciated, for that relative moment, with a proud, Tesla-like mustache, though he let Edison have all the credit; next, I slowly sauntered into Grandma's room, and she was being lifted upright by a mechanical appendage, saying: "Get your ass over here and give me a big kiss."
Wheeled her outside underneath the Virginia Beach Sunshine--a Border Collie was playing frisbee with its master, and a nice, black lady, also in a wheelchair, asked me if we allowed her to smoke, which I said "Yes" to, and she stated that that was a fine thing to allow.
As Grandma lit up her generic cigarette, I noticed not any blonde angel hairs upon her--I guess the nursing home didn't house the regulars; then, she looked at me, saying: "I don't wanna be here. We should get a shanty. Just a little shanty." And then she looked off into the azure noon. A tough old bird she is.