Saturday, March 4, 2017
Fox Biddable (10)
"Fox Biddable (10)"
Yup, back at the bowling alley, Jenny having a singular, cold lager, while Healing Eagle was dipping chaw and drinking green tea with organic spearmint leaves--he brought the leaves, home grown, himself.
The twosome weren't having a mystical lesson concerning anything--not much anyway. Just listening to the violent vibrations of pins getting cracked by multi-hued balls of rolling thunder, as with echo location, since the live-action was behind them, falling down, falling down.
But Healing Eagle brought up: "You see any foxes at night in the suburbs?"
Jenny reflected, intensely; next, a theophany brought by the humorous coyote, him being next to the Great Spirit Itself, showcasing the suburban sprawl housing foxes in her neighborhood, before the sprawl part thieved away the wildlife. She remembered them playing and dancing joyously under the starlit sky, as if praising the Song of the Lord--He loves all His creatures, whether big or small--His Genes within, proving animism, which does not steal from the super-symmetrical and divine ways of a gelling Judeo-Christianity, for even Tobias had a dog when accompanied by the Arch-Angel Saint Raphael.
"Yeah, I do remember foxes in my neighborhood." Jenny said, her garnet green eyes sparkling with a sort of healing factor.
Healing Eagle smiled: "Always reflect--and test every spirit. Too, never deny the true Law of it all, or you will inherit coal in your stocking."