Sunday, March 19, 2017

Fox Biddable (26)

   "Fox Biddable (26)"
   Jenny McGee was sitting at Healing Eagle's picnic table, alongside the shamanistic Cherokee, spilling her stinky beans on how Clovis was becoming an extraordinary ordeal of sorts.  Healing Eagle reminded her that the mongoose man had been battling venomous vipers his entire life, dealing with the deviled deck of dastardly demons, and that she had no "tuned in" clues on his feelings of guilt; moreover, he told her to be patient, accept the mutated, weak, strong, whatever--offering the consideration of consolation and cool calm, for it's not easy to endure a lifetime of crusty contagion.
   Jenny McGee agreed.  Just give the guy some Viagra, by way of sneaking it into some Kool-Aid; next, he'll drink it, lay the pipe, and get used to the art of a long love-making lounge in her warm and burning embrace.  
   But Healing Eagle also reminded, sensing her foxy tactics:  "Do not push or trick this man.  Just offer body language, as you are the fox and he is the mongoose; next, he will dance with you, and never give a man a gun unless he can dance.  Intercourse is not a sport, but play between two beings that love each other, in a sincere fashion--nothing more; nothing less."