Sunday, March 12, 2017

Fox Biddable (16)--Abrahamic God

   "Fox Biddable (16)--Abrahamic God"
   Clovis Bloom was scratching at his buzz cut; plus, sitting face to face with his sophisticated shrink, being brutally honest, knowing:  JESUS--Light of Confessors!!!
And why do the Abrahamic Brothers fight?  Solomon knowing that your brother is your adversary, yet Wolverine and his brother went back to back at times, defeating the true enemy.  The Abrahamic Brothers should gregariously gel and team up, wasting all the Buddhists and practitioners of Hinduism--not each freaking other.  A Muslim has the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, for the Franciscans and the Orthodox fight over the keys; next, the Israeli Police are called in, and a Muslin brings peace.  And you know--I'm kinda being jovially jocular my man. 

You're not a racist, nice--right?

There's no different species of human; thus, there is only one race--the human race.  Save for all the hybrids and androids walking around.

Clovis--you're acting sick again.

Sickness can be a great blessing.  The physician of God; specifically, the Arch-Angel Saint Raphael has an uncanny sense of humor, bringing brighter green peace than all the other Divine Seven Who stand before the Throne of Him.  Sickness is not all punishment, though for some, yet for the others that fear God--the Father doesn't chide always, nor damn us for our iniquities--if we hate pride, arrogance, and the forked tongue.

So, tell me about this foxy girl?

Rubbed his eyes with fascination.  She's a Barbie Doll with short hair.  Been mistreated and envied her entire life.  But she's learning to fight, and I really like her.  I mean--I really freaking like her.