Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fox Biddable (6)

   "Fox Biddable (6)"
   And Healing Eagle was crouched in the corner of a pub, avoiding the fuel of firewater, but having the anti-inflammatory properties of caffeine in green tea, smoking a neuroprotective piece of paper filled with tobacco, knowing the falsehoods of science, and that physician and nurse error cause more deaths than Johnny Depp gregariously gelling with Chicago.
   A harlot approached, ornamented in scandalous clad, smelling of blasphemous perfume that called a wicked Horseman, attempting him to crave her corporeal cruel--he denied, saying:  "And the light cometh; moreover, the darkness comprehend it not."
   She retreated, seeing his lack of resistance towards evil, him shining with an azure light and driven only by sanguine stripes, as Solomon gave automatic writing, knowing the Christ liveth before, as did the King, chosen--his glimmering candle was blessed by hatred of pride, arrogance, and false testimony--so brutally honest that he knew he would be hated and persecuted--the Saintly Eagle loving Christ having shown this luminous sparkle in his Gospel.
   And then, Healing Eagle pondered upon the whereabouts of Jenny McGee, but knew the animism of lesser powers would protect and defend, leading to covering tracks not, but mere skulduggery for divine purpose, knowing the cunning attributes of a serpent, yet retaining a dove's purpose, knowing that simplistic weight outshines balance, and excess leads to the palace of illumination--we are ordered to pray without ceasing, and anything less, well--pity the fool.  For pity is not deserved by the disabled, yet dignity, and pity should only be poured out over those dead in macabre darkness.