Friday, March 17, 2017

Fox Biddable (21)

   "Fox Biddable (21)"
   It was Saint Patrick's Day, and Jenny McGee was confident in the Patron Saint of Ireland; specifically, happy to get her Lucky Charms on, dream about Notre Dame football, and even pleased that her Dad could get drunk so much yet never have a carnal fantasy concerning her--people know things, if we'd get our heads out of our cell phones; plus, wake up and smell the Folgers.
   So, working the bar/pub/joint on a true Catholic Holiday--in her truth at least, she felt like a scrapper, and was not gonna take crap from the big-mouthed drunks, them walking over the meek, taking advantage of pure love, hating the poor in spirit, and not seeking after righteousness but themselves, yet tonight--she'd seek righteousness.
   There was a guy with an over-sized cranium that was pestering her.  Kept saying how cool he was, and that he was a big money man--all while she was trying to pour beer.  She just kept smiling, doing her laboring duties, but as she didn't answer, he shouted:  "Why would I want to be with a simple bartender anyway--I'm a rich man!"
   Jenny knew that her corporeal traits did outshine his mundane demons; moreover, she had luminous light inside, while he was filled with the vacuous darkness.  Therefore, she was gonna snap at him, but smiled and told her manager to get rid of him, cutting him off, saying she wouldn't serve him anymore due to his rude intoxication levels; next, went out the back door into the alley, glaring at a waning Moon, so innocently sublime, radiating the Sun's kiss back at her with a sister's loving care.