Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Fox Biddable (19)

   "Fox Biddable (19)"
   Clovis Bloom was totally in love with the garnet green eyes of Jenny McGee; moreover, the rest of her entire, angelically-crafted soul--the inside and out; however, he had a dubious dilemma; thus, the reason for him always at the shrink.
   When he was an adolescent, around the age of sixteen, he was at his first girlfriend's house, and the filthy pig was making a salami sandwich in her messy kitchen--so Clovis went to investigate the rest of the sloppy house.  He accidentally stumbled upon a heap of dirty clothes on the staircase; next, he spotted a pair of her pink panties, and he got exited.  Every teenage boy wants to smell a pair of panties.  So, he picked them up, unfolded them, and went in for the sniff, but upon looking within the panties, he saw a big poop stain that reeked within; as a result, he jumped back, dropping the panties, and made a mercurial exodus from the house.  He is still a virgin to the day, and is approaching his forty-fifth birthday.  
   But he knew Jenny McGee would have clean panties, without the skid marks.  He just sincerely knew it.  Believe it and thy laundry shall be done--Christ kinda/sorta said.