Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fox Biddable (13)--Moses and the serpent

   "Fox Biddable (13)--Moses and the serpemt"
   Clovis Bloom knew of the powers concerning the super-mundane Staffs of God, wielded diligently by Moses and his older, Levite brother, him wearing topaz on his breastplate.  Moses' snake consumed Pharaoh's, and is medicamental concerning weight--the weight of patience and consumption, devouring the lesser adder, for ALL is manipulated by the Author of Life's mystical mystery--Christ speaking in parables so they have not the chosen's information.
   Clovis prayed for his adversaries to love the true Law, which gives life, and though not Benjamin's ravenous wolf, he was the mongoose, similar save size, but size and numbers do not matter, as we learned in Vietnam, now aware of Sun Tzu.  
   If you send out a cursing serpent, God forgives, offers boils and all the rest; next, consumes you if you do not submit to the Pentateuch.  It's all Greek to me, but even as the Alpha and the Omega, time being relative, Christ preserves the just.  We must suffer before knowing true love.  And Clovis was terrorized by those encompassing him like bees, his tongue glued to the top of his mouth, but crying out to the Lord in honesty; indeed, he would make friends of the chosen.
   Jenny McGee would be that friend, and the true Native of America, Healing Eagle, would be the bridge to the Great Spirit, a Grandfather as strong as love's uncanny steel.