Monday, February 12, 2018


   It transcends Joseph Campbell, by a zillion.  Nothing new under the Sun.  STAR WARS got sloppy with Lucas' remakes?  Bullshit.  Fleur-de-lis.  Unicorns.  Virgins.  
   Yeah, Anakin should've never hit on Padme, for only a virgin can tempt a unicorn, and the virgin can be persuaded if not wise; thus, test all spirits.  Regardless, without their copulation, there would be no Luke or Leia.  Oh well--the horsepucky (Colonel Potter here) always splatters on the rotating fan, especially when you're not like Jango Fett, cloning a single child, and not getting live-action with sloppy women.  Or just be Han Solo and hang out with a 7 foot tall canine-like creation, and know that true loyalty outshines romantic bliss, for women talk to women--about you dude!  And sometimes, how to allegorically kill you.  The world is full of bad advice.
   Just be a smuggler or gambler, knowing your best friend is yourself, unless you have a friend in Jesus--He never lets you down; specifically, Isaiah Chapter 53 seems to fit a bit; however, Christ had a bit of Samson in Him--both Nazarenes; plus, both of their Mothers were supposedly unable to have children in their condition, curious.  And Mary had to be part Levite--inviolate, pure, and clean, for as Her Litany wends:  "Ark of the Covenant!"  
   And when you open Her up--there is the Living Word, the Law Itself--so some would argue.  Maybe even me.