Monday, February 19, 2018

Voltaic Junkyard--an innocent child

   "Voltaic Junkyard--an innocent child"
   Sheila held the child in her hands, if only in a dream--her youngest brother, David; moreover, he was just like her, before they murdered him--the story goes:
   David--dead @ birth, basically.  A father soon to have gone crackers, channeling all the iniquity of the world, yet David didn't even live long enough to see him go.  What happened to the kid?  What didn't?
   Blamed for things on the playground, which he did not do.  Pulled off the monkey bars--his face smashed.  How they followed him.  Weird dental visits.  Parkinson's-like jerking during sleep.  Boils upon his face.  Girls told to stay away from him.  The girls that did so, calling upon demons to murder him.  Hated.  Mocked.  Spit on.  Sickly.  Arrested due to manufactured speech.  Even Sheila couldn't help but lie to him, as if he was a magnet, drawing in perpetual destruction; at the same time, his purging, penance, and devotion.  Sure he sinned, but not like the others.  Buried and hidden, the truth was from him.  And he channeled all their hatred of a Good God.  The bull-like man in the chair, that he witnessed seeing.  His nightmares.  Doctors said it was psychosomatic, the chronic pain.  And how many times was he poisoned, yet they chalked it up to an immune disorder; however, Sheila knew that made the murder look clean.  
   David's place was what he described as the Rainbow Lights.  That infusion of hues beyond the gravity of contempt.  An array of colors that led to Heaven.  He went first.  Next, Dad.  Driven mad himself.  Nobody would help.  As if her entire family was bad news.  Well, save those outside the circle; specifically, the ones not marked, and they were wise to stay away, or lacked courage.
   Sheila would not accept these things.  Would fight to the end.  Would break her own back and keep going.  To hell with being a martyr.  If the world wanted her dead too; next, it needed to come and get some.  Meet her in an alley.  Face her.  The world only hated her, because it feared her.  She knew her place.  And the cowards would not corner her, as she desired.  They wore masks, spoke with forked-tongues, and there was no bravery to be seen, on either side.  No prophet to illuminate.
   She knew they would kill Adam.  But they wouldn't get her without being tortured themselves.
   She got in the Boss 302.  Went looking for trouble.  Always kinda did.  She made the Sign of the Cross and kissed the Crucifix around her neck.  Knew that the greatest of ALL men was murdered Himself.  You know why nobody liked Jesus Christ in His day?  Because He exposed everybody.  Pulled the mask right off the world.  People weren't fond of that.