Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Big Man

   "The Big Man"
   Resided next door to me, when I was an exiled kid.  Had a tough son.  Tough as steel.  The kid could take on ten other kids--one at a time--the Big Man Father taught him well.
   The Big Man loved my mother, like a little sister.  Loved me too.  Would come over, just to tickle me, innocently, as a child.  Would tell me:  "Mark, take off your socks, for a man goes barefoot.  Cut your nails, look clean."
   He moved away.  I was sad.  Afterwards, we visited his strong family near the border.  Went to an amusement park.  Everybody got conned into a frightening ride; next, weeping as the velocity was too much.  I chose not to ride the ride.  Felt ashamed.  Weak.
   After everyone allegorically pissed their trousers, the Big Man knelt down before me, comforting me, saying:  "Mark, it takes more courage to say NO than to agree."
   What did Christ tell Peter:  "There will come a time, and you will have your own home--there you will have many Fathers, many Mothers, many Brothers, and many Sisters."  Yes, justice and peace will kiss.
   Pax Vobiscum