Tuesday, May 17, 2016
No gods next to God?
"No gods next to God?"
And in reflective reverie, before the destructive disaster and sanctimonious stress causing the destabilization of the Middle East, it was Sir Mark Sykes and an intellectual probe into the eternal desert mystery, like in Herbert's DUNE--I was down with H.G. Wells and THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY.
Now: fear; specifically, a variety of phobic-like conditions; plus, hate.
The bountiful beauty of the Apostle and Holy Spirit merging, having super-symmetrical synergy, that Christ offering Willpower and a belief in heavenly healing--no longer.
"The Industrial Revolution crafts Satanic slave mills that rob men of their imagination." William Blake responsible for that, possibly.
Aquinas knew not the modern aspects of string theory; nevertheless, it all was fathomed by the fabulous mind of man, a god himself; moreover, Aquinas wended beyond the Age of Information (Today), going deep into the darkness of metaphysics, and even Lycanthropy, knowing a soul can suffer odd transformation by way of Angels, and possibly Saints.
Again, Johnny Carson would vociferously chuckle: "Weird and wild stuff."