Monday, March 3, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (7)

* * * Mark David King's Poem:  WEREWOLF SLUT on Amazon.Com and Apple iTunes * * *
The Kitty prowls with howls of fright,
Transfiguring trans-gender as man(wolf)-crap paralyzes her might;
As a result--she thanked the FATHERS FOR FOUNDING FREEDOM,
Carrying a legal blade and Shelley's British poems to seed 'em;
Indeed, a Star-Spangled Mess thru and thru,
Non-Anemic and thirsting to demonically drink the Red, White, and Dodger Blue. 


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (6)

The weird of the wolf smells the gore-smeared lips of Kitty,
Knowing she'll bring blood-red brilliance to a friendship by way of macabre intercourse made pretty;
Therefore, he cleans his fur with pink tongue in gleam
Of Moon's Crescent Cool shimmering clean,
Displaying majestic mountains and a constructed colony soon--
Futurity Creates:  Earth will inhabit the Neon-Cheese of vacuous gloom.
   * * * Mark David King's Poem:  WEREWOLF SLUT on Amazon.Com and Apple iTunes * * *
Kitty Pencil Crayon Art.  Too, all my female art reminds of an odd guy in DRAG--here's Kitty:

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (5)

* * * Mark David King's Books @ Amazon.Com, BarnesandNoble.Com; plus, Internet Bookstores and E-Books, including some pulsating publications on:  Apple iTunes * * *

Cool as sports 4 a geek to dream
Goes the glamorous gay of a straight-man Queen;
Regardless, KITTY alive in the glow of METS,
Having only Freyja's kittens as household pets;
Thus, she spies a werewolf (werecoyote with girth),
Desiring to drink from his paw pad, gaining wolf-like worth . . . 
Kitty Pencil Crayon Art:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (4)

Kitty succumbed 2 theophany 
When it burned like mischief as she zang a pee,
Gelling in symposium with a VAMPIRE god;
Then, she surmised her wicked womb would inflate odd,
For sometimes age births sensitivity,
And a well-lathered fang of ONLY respectable size grants glee
Instead of hammered by a Moose's head
As wends the werewolf full of silvery lead;
Hence, construct a lady in love with her own womb,
Getting pierced only by an Angel's zoom
Even if IT'S (he/she/neutral gender) not built like the devil,
For gaining circumference; next--men don't revel . . .


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

To The Living We Owe Respect. - Voltaire -

   * * *
   To the dead--only truth.
   More or less.  Way beyond my prickness.  We all make mistakes.  Me wiser than others in iniquity.  Plenty of us mess up, from time to time.
   Health Care Plan--perhaps sincerely sublime, and I voted Republican twice.
  Sometimes you have to trust your leaders.  Be a good sergeant.  Take your pride into submission.  Still, be a sanctimonious rebel, on some Al Gore, non-violent level.  
   I miss America.  Possibly--we're getting it back . . . 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Medical Cannabis: TENNESSEE

   MARK DAVID KING @ AMAZON.COM--books . . .
   Medical Cannabis:  TENNESSEE
   For the frugal and frail--in moderation lest you become guilty, if you are physically or mentally asymmetrical; next, use for physiological solace, and yes, the brain is more than mere spirit.
   One Cannabis Cookie, large, broken in half--eaten twice daily, will relieve inflammation, pain, depression, and chronic agony, etc . ,
   4 inhalations of LEGAL, medically grown, buds offer soothing comfort; nevertheless, repetitive use foolishly promotes insidious results; thus, neutrality leaning goodwards births the intellectually lame happy.
   Bloody Bowel Movements, Depression (the most suicidal-like tendencies within the rancorous ranks of mental illness), Cancer, Healing Problems (Immune Disorders); plus, everything ELSE, deserves treatment . . .
                                                                                                           . . .  Christ (Him, just Gospel'n) . . .

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Human Clone

   * * * * * * 
   Audie Murphy was superlative greatness in anthropological combat; specifically, the ultimate human fighting machine, and a great American Soldier.  Sergeant York was cool too.
   So, they clone Jango Fett; plus, tinker with the genetics a bit, crafting a more docile replica; nonetheless, 100% of the Exact Genetic Material--more or less.
   But, if the United States did Clone Audie Murphy for all his legendary and REAL action-hero status stuff; next--who is to say THEY wouldn't Clone Napoleon or some wild shit like that?
   Today is science.  Science needs to not dismiss Religion and Religion not dismiss Science; then, a sophisticated synergy of enlightened understanding.  We are the Gods King David spoke of in the Old Testament.  Thus, Evolution + Creation = our bio-mechanical 2morrow . . .