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War Star, ODIN: Supreme Ruler of the Norse gods--
All of us warriors give you berserking nods;
Alas, armed with the Swaying Spear Gungnir--you have sharp might,
Steeling the hearts of those filled with fright.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Balder The Beautiful"
Not even the mischief of sharp-crafted mistletoe
From lascivious Loki's greatest apex of low
Can keep the Beauty of Balder's pyre-smoke obscured;
Specifically, he rebirths luminously--maketh the Earth cured.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles" -FREYJA-
Misinformation perverts every nation
Until after Ragnarok there is magnanimous fertilization;
Indeed, Brisingamen bold on Freyja's divine,
Meaning Bragi will have to inspire a more awesome line
In remembering the World Serpent no more--
Only forging eternal poetry concerning the courage of a Norse god known as Thor.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles" -BRAGI-
I, Karsten, know 2 sing:
"Mother Nature is a Maiden enslaved,
Weeping through a womb molested,
Birthing the same foul fates upon Her soiled bosom."
Alas, the wicked seed resonates,
Yet the World Serpent raping the Ocean's Floor
Will be overcome by the Hammer of Thor;
Still, vanquished will all be
Save Balder and Bragi,
Forging fantastic--Earthly Sublimity . . .
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
Myths rooted in truth,
Slaying the reptilian uncouth;
Specifically, for Fair Maidens and Christ's Mystic Cool;
Alas, Saint George takes the Dragon 2 school--
Invoke the Saints--not dead but alive,
For the Luminosity of the Lamb's Blood gives a Soul perpetual Thrive.
Here/Now: Confusion
As wends the weird of a Lizard's intrusion.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
The Arch-Angel Gabriel removes his helmet of bio-mechanical design
When his Nordic countenance offers Annunciation or gives a Prophet a sublime line;
Nevertheless, under cosmic attack from the hard-to-kill Adder,
Sometimes his message is mercurial as withdrawal is a necessary matter;
Indeed, it is not easy spreading God's Good Might
When under constant nag from reptilians hellbent on perpetual fight.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, Karsten, do ponder:
"Does the White House concerning people's skin launder?"
Futurity: Almost 4 years of power;
Next, before serpentine inherits more or does cower;
Regardless, plotting does God better than you,
Resurrecting Virgins, Saints, Eunuchs, & Confessors--armed with swords radiating a fiery hue.