Monday, July 14, 2014

Automation Highway (2)

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Automation Highway (2)"
Gateway:  they made the kinda/sorta anti-oxidant tobacco illegal--
Now, to buy--you are under Black Market Steeple;
Thus, yes it is--a gateway to empirically know other shit
Cause pirated by over-sexed, selfish clit--
Look, I'm sorry for being nasty,
But Automation Highway is a bit dafy;
Indeed, the cyborg 2morrow is in us all,
For we are phobic concerning a forever into empyreal fall.  

Automation Highway

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * * 
   "Automation Highway"
Freakishly forged by the RESTRICTION of conservative,
Which rips out the stable spine of liberty--that once did offer adequate solace to pulsate a long-live,
They mechanically spawned a terminator in the Year 2046,
Crafted by the controllers choosing to fix
The fine Spirit of 1776,
Clipping its wings with a bio-mechanical organism/computer that births no conscious licks;
Nonetheless, a true factor in incarceration and assimilation,
Destroying the virility of the futuristic, American Nation;
Still, the wicked law built:  Big Block Highway,
Resurrecting a Boss 429's ultra-like, high speed cruising--as if a sting on a ray . . .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cupcake Cleavage

   * * *  #MarkDavidKing'sBooks @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & some--Apple iTunes  * * *
   "Cupcake Cleavage"

NFL Football adores the ladies,
Wearing hot pink reminders of cancerous crazies;
Indeed, men are more in LOVE than misogynistic,
Writing poetry to woo--not being sadistic;
Alas, ladies return the favor,
Knowing:  Testicular Cancer emasculates a man's potential to your heart savor.    

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Werewolf Slut: Winter Beachgrove

   "Werewolf Slut:  Winter Beachgrove" 
She is lovely, elegant, and so fine--
And there is no misogyny aimed at her corporeal beauty--so divine;
Alas, she is carnivorously cursed by the neon cheese of shimmering full moon,
Arousing poetic courage in many-a-boy haunted by lycanthropic swoon.  


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Batgirl: True Detective (2)

* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Batgirl:  True Detective (2)"  
They don't lock up the Joker for scatological prank,
But the non-violent and ill get tossed in the tank;
Specifically--beaten down and sexually-assaulted are a plethora of innocents in jail,
Cause they don't reside in the American West where liberty does sail . . .

SOUTH-JAIL: Bloody Bowels

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * * 
   "SOUTH-JAIL:  Bloody Bowels"   
Infused--like the life of "us" is getting abused;
Moreover, nothing natural to reduce inflammation or get a stoical mind gently amused;
Regardless--there is no violent rebellion or rogue complaint,
Only perception of cruel circumstance that with things macabre acquaint.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Daenerys & Southern Governors

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Daenerys & Southern Governors"  
Imbibe them with state-crafted spirits to make them drunk;
Next, thieve away their medicine--locking it away in an anti-liberty trunk;
Alas, the physically and mentally weak continue to horribly wither
While the opulent smirk of every Southern Governor does wend weirdways--a serpentine slither . . .
"The great policies of world history, "the wheels of the world", are often turned not by the Lords and Governors, even gods, but by the seemingly unknown and weak--owing to the secret life in creation . . ."