Monday, July 18, 2016

Wyatt Earp is my friend

Weredog Tart (15)

   "Weredog Tart (15)"
Siria swiftly bolted with quicksand dismay,
Slaying a man, though she was elegantly ethereal in a weredog way;
Moreover, a mellifluous sound did trumpet from justice-seeking angels around,
And the Pittsburgh morning was full of an iridescent look and sound--
Rainbows gleaming from a petty rain, giving limerance to her love of Steel City;
Thus, she dashed to Lance and Dad, both so metaphorically pretty,
Yet like a soul with social phobia, she didn't know how to completely explain
A death done out of loyalty; still, would this scenario be a harvest of sublime gain?    

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Demonic Infestation

   "Demonic Infestation"

   All the hate; moreover, certain ax-wielding leprechauns and their greed proclaiming:  "It's my gold ya suckers--all mine!"  Christ, with the Sermon on the Mount, offering the Beatitudes, further knowing:  "He who is first shall be last; he who is last shall be first."  And as for the controlled, as the New Living Translation wends:  "I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get."
   Are we lost unto hypnosis by Darwin confusing anthropology with demonology?  The unseen, so sophisticated in their shape-shifting glamour?  You will die.  You will meet the Maker.  And many NDE (Near Death Experiences) speak of blackness pulling the spirit away from the brilliant, platinum light of Love.  All things have an infinite number of possibilities, possibly.
   Such as the blind Milton, though putting down the fools for Christ (Franciscans), he mentioned the Adder being the inventor of gunpowder.  Live by the sword; next, die by the sword, as Christ explained.
   Why protest without charity?  Why hunger after an Earth filled with Saint Michael's toss of demons?  To seek God is to seek peace, and freedom, off the leash, but never far from your master, as goes the righteous Golden Retriever, so innately obedient, yet keen to cruel things.
   The Lord's Prayer says:  "On Earth as it is in Heaven."  Possibly, a mirror image of sorts, a galactic battle now; specifically, as Luna reflects the daystar, we are reflecting the Heavens--possibly another riot in the Celestial Realms.  
   Keep Christ's Sacred Heart in your heart, lay low, don't be tempted by a hot chick in a mini skirt while married, and why does she dress like that anyway?  Regardless, safeguard yourself with love and a humble habitat away from the monopoly of demonic control.  We will all know.  The veil shall be lifted.   Stupefaction for myriads, and solace for others.  Buy silver, get a crossbow, live in the country, though near a hospital, be prepared, and live a life of charity and never neglect the sick, selfishly praying for their swift deaths.   
   Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo.           

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Weredog Tart (14)

   "Weredog Tart (14)"
Lance was full of hiraeth, wishing Mom were around,
Knowing his birth was a miracle by an Ivy League physician found;
Regardless, at home with an angry father,
The patriarch considering his son Lance Bantha fodder;
Thus, calling him a scrawny gimp with no brains or a Staubach arm--
He swung on his son, causing corporeal harm;
Specifically, a tooth knocked out and an eye black and blue--
It was ineffable, sticking on father and son like eternal glue;
As a result of this epoch not easily deleted,
Lance could do nothing save run; indeed, he retreated,
Sprinting the approximate ten miles to where Siria did reside,
In the suburbs next to Pittsburgh's illuminated side.
When he gave true testimony of what had happened,
Her fangs sprouted, and the depth of the truth she fathomed;
Hence, made him a seat on the sofa next to her drunken yet loving Dad;
Next, paid a visit to Lance's house, and his father, of her, was not glad,
Calling her an enabler of a soul destined for defeat;
Therefore, she sunk her incisors into his face, making him drop to his feet.
"Oh my Lord!  Oh my Lord!  Did I kill him?"
She cried and wailed, phobic concerning the wages of sin.

Weredog Tart (13)

   "Weredog Tart (13)"
   Siria and Lance were in the school's cafeteria, the obese yet friendly lunch lady scooping them a meatloaf gelled together by some type of possibly ectoplasmic mix, or so it seemed; plus, there were some greasy green beans and neon-lime jello to further fill the belly, all funded by the benevolent government, making sure the public school system had yummy stuff to further calcify the pineal glands of youth, shrinking the pea sized glands to a microscopic size--all so we don't know the rotten tomatoes of truth.   
   Lance played with his food, not eating save the mini carton of milk; however, Siria gobbled up her meatloaf, a supernatural digestive tract allowing for absorption of only the sublime ingredients, like the bread crumbs with a dash of herb for the service of man.
   After burping her consumption and a weird giggle of sorts, Lance looked at her oddly, until noticing those arctic-blue eyes that showcased the Otherworld, and she reached across the table and grasped his hand, feeling his suffering from a father putting too much pressure on his slow motion brain, due to incubation, and being fed by a tube through the brain, a mother to never hold him for over a month, and now lost, driven off by the same diabolical father that blamed him for it all.
   Out of nowhere she blurted:  "You should get a dog.  Golden Retrievers are great, sometimes exuberant, and if bred aggressively, they can show aggression, especially if they have brown noses."
   Lance, head down, said:  "My Dad wouldn't allow it."
   Siria offered:  "I'll be your dog; your best friend."
   Lance continued:  "You're no dog Siria.  You're freaking beautiful."
   Siria with:  "The world is bigger than most people know."  Then, she winked an arctic-blue at him, lashes so long and lovely.   

Friday, July 15, 2016

Weredog Tart (12)

   "Weredog Tart (12)"
   Siria, a little melancholy after hearing Lance's demonic dilemma of having a cruel patriarch, let out her anguished steam by gobbling up a rabbit on the ten mile trek homewards.  Once back to her suburban habitat, she waited for the Full "Buck" Moon to fade, but before it did, pooped out the hopping bunny, as if her system was working miracles within.  She looked to the heavens, sincerely saying:  "Saint Francis forgive me, but that little critter was yummy."
   As the daystar ignited, Siria shifted back into human form, running naked into her house, past a father closing his eyes, yelling:  "What the hell!?!"
   Siria got in some cut-off shorts, a fancy t-shirt that showcased the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and a pair of sneakers with no socks.  She marveled at her pulsating, meta-human energy; next, went downstairs, offering no explanation for her incoming nudity, and her father didn't probe her about it.  
   After a glass of milk, she got her backpack, went to the bus stop, and headed back to summer school.  Upon arrival, she noticed Lance walking her way, head down, wearing a crown of frowns, and felt a great empathy towards him; thus, she put a loving arm around his neck, kissed him on the cheek, and smiled some rabbit meat still in her glistening teeth.  He asked:  "What was that for?"
   She stated:  "I figured you could use a friend today."
   Him back with:  "Yeah, yeah I could."
   Hand in hand--they strutted into the steamy torture of summer school.  

Full "Buck" Moon: July 19th, 2016

   "Full "Buck" Moon:  July 19th, 2016"

   The Full "Buck" Moon will awesomely illuminate the skies this July 19th; on the other hand, sometimes known as the Full "Thunder" Moon due to thunderstorms being prone this time of year in the Americas.  
   And the Full "Buck" Moon refers to deer sprouting their antlers this time of year, offering protection and spiritual sanctuary for some by way of the Nordic Rune Algiz.  Algiz graces many with protection, if you are in the white elk's graces.  Elk and deer having much in common as cousins; however, elk are heavier, yet both have four-chambered stomachs filled with potent bacteria to digest the vegetation upon which they feed.
   So enjoy the Full "Buck" Moon or look for Pikachu or whatever the hell you are doing, wending further into the cyborg nation; moreover, I have nothing against cyborgs, for my biological father was one, totally.