Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tom Petty

treat them like the gentiles

   "treat them like the gentiles"
   How did the Son of Man treat the Gentiles?  Thanks to a Priest being the branch of Christ's vine--I totally know.  He broke bread with them, and he healed them; moreover, he nourished them with love.  
   Of course He said that salvation is of the Jews.  A mere tradesman.  Is God a trickster?  Coming in the guise of poverty, lack of education, fatherless, yet truly having all of those things, if only within the theater of His immortal soul.  Why form into tribes?  Why segregate yourselves, when America is honorable, and a family?  Protest injustice, yes.  But don't hate Old Glory.  She gives you a holy land and freedom, no matter how unfair--she gives you a chance to pursue liberty, whether a craftsman or an engineer.  Do not complain of your portion, for if you are of Christ; next, you have an advocate, a tough and loving dove, asking God what you are not bold enough to ask.  

Friday, October 6, 2017

The King is in the Field

   "The King is in the Field"
   The Virgin hides, have you not read Scripture?  And they say nothing happened.  But we will see the Son of Man coming down from the Clouds of Heaven, to separate the wheat from the chaff with the winnowing fork, throwing the chaff into the eternal fire, more or less.  We have had every chance to repent.
   If they were His people, why would they hand Him up?  His family are those that do the Will of God.  If you are handed up by family; next, they are not your true family.
   They say it takes two.  They're right.  But it doesn't take three.  I learned.  Paid in Spades.  But I did my job, and knew my portion was slavery.  
   But even a decent dog deserves an exodus.  No longer will there be a silent voice screaming in the wilderness.  One way or they other--we will all get our proper portion.  A skeptic has to be right everyday, but a man of faith only once.  So enjoy the golden calf, while you can.  

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Astronomical Passion

   "Astronomical Passion"
   Let's not go religious today; specifically, let's do, and yet imagine the psychology of it all.  The Cross forgives sins--you believe Christ died and was resurrected; next, you are forgiven.  Easy.  A little modesty, brainwashing yourself to be a regular, adapting to your environment with social camouflage as does the red fox, and buying into the system--you have to, at least in minimum fashion.  Hell, even a janitor can get a double-wide, fly the American Flag, have a fence and a dog; plus, vote, and get laid here and there--if he chooses.  Don't be Emily Dickinson, wearing ivory-white perpetually, writing bodacious poetry, giving children candy, and being somewhat flaky, which is synonymous with eccentric.  Yes, I've read an entire thesaurus while drinking a six-pack of the King of Beers, Bud Heavy; moreover, babysat a Britney Spaniel, that I later bathed with Head and Shoulders dandruff-controlling shampoo.
   On the flip side, what if there is no control for passion?  And I'm not going all Pantheistic or astrological, yet admitting that when it rains it floods, the Moon affects Terra, and maybe the alignment of the Cosmos constructs reflexes in Adamkind.  
   And even the Signs of the Zodiac are offering astronomical truths, in a sense, if you dive into it all; therefore, know that numerous theories exist, and that there is no scientific dogma, nor any dogma that can be completely axiomatic, as far as we know, for all the possibilities are there, so you have to be on guard, for most people are up to something, and as it is in Heaven, so shall it be on Earth, and I'm talk'n the Cosmos, and the pull of a Moon, and the noise of a dump truck making you nearly ditch your car, and a girl with a good ass, and a song that fuels you, or the green tea you drink--it all has effect, and can be used for whatever purpose, whether to heal or kill.  So passion is good--if you send out the vibes of survival, but even Saint Francis bitched; next, stripped himself naked and preached to the people, a true fool for Christ, and it had effect.  However, all people form into tribes, and there is not the same truth for every man, till we have to own ourselves, and our sub-conscious, possibly, in another realm of existence.  

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Wolf of Gubbio

   "Wolf of Gubbio"
   Forsake your belief that myth is myth, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.  Saint Pope John Paul the 2nd, a white virgin dancing in front of a gunman's bullets.  Saint Joan of Arc, made a Phoenix by Twain, and even before, as her candle was lit prior to the flux of time; moreover, Saint Francis taming the wolf of Gubbio--not too long ago did all these things manifest God's Truth.
   The wolf terrorized Gubbio.  Out of fear.  But Saint Francis instructed the wolf that if it ceased killing and murdering; next, no dogs would chase it, nor would it ever go hungry again, and charmed by the Sign of the Cross, the Trinity Itself, the wolf was tamed and followed Saint Francis; plus, became meek and tranquil, even receiving a burial.
   The world is bigger than we know . . .

Indigo Samson (26)

   "Indigo Samson (26)"
   Not totally being a snooty snob, or considering his/her androgynous essence as sacrosanct; specifically, loving a healing laugh and white-hued angel dogs, Saint Raphael departed the HOUND with Liberty and Bobby Rook.
   The flaxen-haired Archangel stood next to the two friends as the bus departed out into the barren geography of Wyoming, the diesel-smell-sound on route to wherever, and a little dog with green eyes came out of an aqua-blue portal, not enchanting, but showing that super-mundane states of reality can accompany mankind; moreover, be true aspects of sweet sublimity, if nobility is focused upon by a prayer-maker--the wise man knowing that he is nothing without God and that Holy Family, which are those passionately prone to do the Creator's benevolent Will.  
   Saint Raphael ran a loving and caressing hand over the buzz cut of Bobby Rook, mentioned the words:  "Feather cut."  Next, the twosome understood, as if by pineal communication, that the Archangel would depart, for now, bu the emerald-eyed canine, tiny and frisky, covered in a white coat, would be their puppy protector, easily able to snatch a scrotum with fanged frenzy, if an adversarial force approached--God has a sense of humor, for 70% of life on Earth seems to be a form of the beetle.