Monday, June 25, 2018

Cat-like reflexes make u like a bull in a china shop

   Hey neighbor from yesterday from when u pestered me, on my camaro's ass in ur car as if I was a magnet.  What u sow u reap--I sowed deep penance and reaped forgiveness, for I fear God.  And look at urselves and remind me not of sins given liquid paper by Christ.  Isaiah knows God blots out the wicked.
   Good job with the sweet daughter Colonel.  She is smart, yet needs more protein and animal fats, less carbs and swimming or aerobics or weight lifting.  Gotta stay on the move.  Help my son sir. 
   Look at urselves and not me.  Turn the station and let me mingle lovingly with folks and give puppy dog smiles. 
   U can have anything if u develope conscience.  Will androids have consciousness--they already do.  Yet we must teach them conscience.
   God's mutt--out, for now . . .

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Contempt Fear

   I've noticed sir.  The scrawny look of contempt and fear in them.  Or the overzealous smile of women.  At least the bounty hunters look solid--they're the only ones I respect. 
   And as for the kind and uninvolved--I offer u puppies and sparkles.
   Cease with bringing children into this. Have u not molested enough brilliant young minds.  My son stoned off his ass, encompassed by the void.  A child of God, shaped by ur attempt to hurt me, and the King is in California. Always was.  He smokes, drinks, and smiles more than me.  I wait for Him.  Adore Him. And I never was gay nor angel. 
   Think Uller.  Waiting in the armor of a frigid forest and made to guard when the social gods go to war. 
   Jesus is here.  I can feel the vine.  Eternally beating in my spirit. Like Samson and the most honary Nazarenes.
   My ex wife makes her own shrimp bisque. It's the discharge from her visitations, yet Jesus would even save her--if she wasn't so greedy.  67324

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tally Ho?

   U up for this one Maverick?  Ya, just don't get gay on me at the end of the movie--I'm building a dam 4 the beavers?   WTF? What, u think I know what I'm doing?  Admiral, I work for a living, and enjoyed the hell out of Thule. 
   Can't they put pot roast in gas stations?
   Whatever happened to the Archies?  I goddamn hate jugged.  U know what I'm saying.
   Schwarzenegger got a Raw  Deal and now he means business, bucko.
   I'd like to thank the river pirates?  

Black Bugs and Wimpy Goats

   And I'm always hoping they're nice--nope.  Catholic Church has been taking peoples' money for over two thousand years--a racket.   They hate the family of Christ.  So do most quasi-Christians--in God's dog's opinion.  If u try to poison God's dog or trip him--what will God do to u and ur family of fools?  Who is the more foolish--the fool or the fool who follows him? 
   People hate Jesus because He is a fighter. Read the King James and see Him scream sonic blasts at the masses like a soaring Phoenix and Banshee--in a way.
   U punks get off on watching XMen yet hate the kinda/sorta mutants in real life. 
   And so what if Captain America doesn't party?  Is he not freaking golden and nice, until Stark turns into a rich bitch?  And people with money can be great, or misers and morph themselves into gollum, the bitch. 
   To think, people hate Jesus--and He offered u everything, and still does.  Don't offend God anymore--in my opinion.  One thing and one thing only as the most awesome Virgo Mary knew:  Fear God. 
   USA.  Make it great, or go the way of Europe. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sandals and socks--bugalicious

I see no glow.  They're seemingly ignorant of fashion.  Aliens.  Go figure.  Fancy gay polo shirts at rest stations with chattery teeth.  Teeth usually overbite or choppy chompers.  Sandals with blue or white socks.  Crusty. Not perfumed.
   What kills bugs is automatically toxic to them.  Maybe try a laser pointer, for there are these squid and vomit looking bug types like Beetle Bozo--they're high level incorporeal demons.  Humans can't see them.  In Springfield Colorado Bandit and me drove past one, freaked us both out, and ten meters in front crossing street--father and son--kid got knocked down and fast father picked him up. 
   Too, get Canon City Girl uninfected.  Homeless and morphing into bug like they tried with Mom.   Saw her get hit and freaked big time.  Heard it. 
   For all the rest--metaphor here.  
   Too,  don't keep sending goddamn cops every time I give report.  Don't scare the locals.  I see ur people on the ground.  Sorry I was jumpy.  And that look in my eye is not constipation.  Gotta feel the grit. 

Bug and Jinn alert

  Bug at rest area 40West towards Memphis, janitor knows.  Silly phony Joanie spotted approximate year ago at Saint Matthews is probable O with indoctrination and is heavily controlled, yet there's hope for her Jinn infestation.  Metaphor.  R u people delusional?
   Tonia shouldn't have been talking as a married woman.  I was just weak and stupid and boy did I mortify my senses--religious freedom, yet Jesus takes the Cross for me from now on--thanx comprehender of Light. 
   Raises's husband is Knights of Columbus-and I like Indians, hell, Colombus is kinda cool too.
   I know Jeffrey bullshits.  He says I'm using psychic powers to attack him.  Sounds like he needs evaluation or to give back the money.  I could use some funds.  Appreciate totally what I have been given.  Being in the field takes gas.  Not the kind that comes out of my hairy buttocks.  I don't know why God put all that hair there. 
   USA is in the crab.  Not so bad.  God Bless the patriots, and radio men. 
   Mom was never physiologically sick until they targeted her.  Think of that classy yet doubting lady.  As soon as I was exiled they cut her open.  They lleave her in urine and shit and cook her.  The Priests followed me at night plenty.  Too bad I never did anything naughty, like they do. 
   For Mom and all the true Judeo-Christians.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Angel got out of cage

Angel got out of cage

   Actually, a shitoad did.  Johnny Ringo, looks like somebody just walked over ur grave. 
   No no.  Just know many Earthbound are free and totally aware.  Now listen and stop drinking ur own Kool-Aid.  They can help their former captors and break bread. 
   If they realize their potential and are threatened, well . . .
   They know, any they're not hostile unless controlled against their will, and hope they don't find their Father's Will if any abuse has happened--be nice and so will they. 
   Nice night.  USA.  The reason people try to scare u is because they're afraid.