Friday, January 31, 2014

Medical Cannabis: TENNESSEE

   MARK DAVID KING @ AMAZON.COM--books . . .
   Medical Cannabis:  TENNESSEE
   For the frugal and frail--in moderation lest you become guilty, if you are physically or mentally asymmetrical; next, use for physiological solace, and yes, the brain is more than mere spirit.
   One Cannabis Cookie, large, broken in half--eaten twice daily, will relieve inflammation, pain, depression, and chronic agony, etc . ,
   4 inhalations of LEGAL, medically grown, buds offer soothing comfort; nevertheless, repetitive use foolishly promotes insidious results; thus, neutrality leaning goodwards births the intellectually lame happy.
   Bloody Bowel Movements, Depression (the most suicidal-like tendencies within the rancorous ranks of mental illness), Cancer, Healing Problems (Immune Disorders); plus, everything ELSE, deserves treatment . . .
                                                                                                           . . .  Christ (Him, just Gospel'n) . . .

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Human Clone

   * * * * * * 
   Audie Murphy was superlative greatness in anthropological combat; specifically, the ultimate human fighting machine, and a great American Soldier.  Sergeant York was cool too.
   So, they clone Jango Fett; plus, tinker with the genetics a bit, crafting a more docile replica; nonetheless, 100% of the Exact Genetic Material--more or less.
   But, if the United States did Clone Audie Murphy for all his legendary and REAL action-hero status stuff; next--who is to say THEY wouldn't Clone Napoleon or some wild shit like that?
   Today is science.  Science needs to not dismiss Religion and Religion not dismiss Science; then, a sophisticated synergy of enlightened understanding.  We are the Gods King David spoke of in the Old Testament.  Thus, Evolution + Creation = our bio-mechanical 2morrow . . .

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Frailty Of American Law--Real Quick . . .

   The Secret, I suspiciously surmise, about 'em Law Schoolerzzz:  It's not the best system in the world; moreover, it is the Talking Head making the better argument for the opinionated, emotionally swayed Black-Robed Dungeon Master.  That's All--Justice is not axiomatically served within the Definite Dichotomy of the American Justice System--be fooled not whether found guilty or innocent. Too, the Excommunicated Rabbinical Scholar, Spinoza--he spiritually spawned a Pantheistic Contemplation of the DIVINE JUSTICE SYSTEM, which usurps ours.
   And, Lie Detectors are as deceptive as you get; specifically, take a mentally ill man or wicked woman even, them having a pulsating conscience crooked concerning normal anthropological behavior; next, there is no heartfelt measure of truth, for we can't even read the mind of an ant with mathematics; thus, how to truthfully scale God or the complexity of man.
   Mark David King @ Twitter!  Books on Amazon.Com!        

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sean Hannity's Theocracy; Plus, Virgin Mary LIVES!

    My poetic novella Sean Hannity's Theocracy; Plus, Virgin Mary LIVES! was written on a napkin when I was in my early 30's and Facebook was budding; plus--when MySpace was the grand burrito, or so it seemed.  
   Anyhow, my first poetry published, me blindly reading it off of the shredded napkin, copying it to a vagabond computer I used out in my parents' garage.  This "flawed and emotional piece" forged with young mercury for the sake of Liberty pains me to the day.  My tech is weak; nevertheless, I do it man.
   And not all Republicans want Theocracy; still--many do:  Their personal ideals and cerebral capacities totally infused by imperfect religion; next, they attempt to construct an American Government based on religious principles, not minding that Thomas Paine blasted the Divinity of Christ, a demigod to be admired and loved.   Too, religion is pure sublimity in many cases--the altruistic Catholicism of Pope Francis, and the super symmetry of the Virgin Mary, Her biological aspects used to birth the Living Christ.
   My whole linguistic-lassoed/mistake-ridden point or failed message:  LIVE FREE OR DIE!
   I don't care what my neighbor does as long as it doesn't destroy the innocent nature of something.  I don't want the NSA or FBI or DEA monitoring my every step, either by way of theocratic-thinking conservatives or those who have hijacked the word "progressive" for selfish purposes.  We can't craft a Nerf World.  Let us Live.  Let us get a few bloody noses.  We're all gonna die--even Dr. Oz and his Low Carb diet.  My Grandma chain-smoked tobacco for nearly 70 years, passing away @ 88 years of age--never a bit of cancer to the woman.  Let us Live--that's all.  Without being monitored.  Without Government control, for the only person you can control in life:  IS YOURSELF!
   Sincerely, Mark David King
   Books @ Amazon and Most Internet Bookstores . . .

Ulcerative Colitis: Diet 4 The Day

   Morning:  1/4 Can of Unpeeled Apricots and Honey Butter Toast (Evil Carb there . . .)/Green Tea
   Lunch:  Can of Albacore Tuna with mild layer of Salt and Pepper/Green Tea
   Snack:  Beer/2 Cigarettes (Nicotine Ingestion combats Inflammatory Bowel Disease)/Green Tea
  Dinner:  Whole Wheat Paste (Bad Carb), Can of Tomato Sauce, Parsley Flakes/Cranberry Juice
  Snack:  2 Cigarettes, a few Broccoli Spears/Ice Water
  FYI:  Green Tea I drink is mixed with much boiled water . . .
   Sometimes I stray and have a McDonald's Cheeseburger; still, stick to healing (I hope) foods
   And Low Unites of Vitamin C to help absorb Iron--cause:  Iron Deficiency due to Blood Loss
   Mark David King @ Twitter.  Too, books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (3)

   Mark David King @ Twitter!  Too, books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com, including:  WEREWOLF SLUT, VAMPIRE METH 1989 . . .
Kitty had anchored Adam, her prey,
Into her suburbia where she would dismay
His corporeal aspects with fangs gone wild
Into his throbbing neck vein, biting, but not mild,
Stealing his sanguine reality,
Making him her slave to forever be
And please her wicked womb with thrusting heat,
For he was a cutie, and she needed his meat
To drink, to eat, to make her further immortal
As wends the way of the vampire portal;
Nevertheless, Adam didn't surrender to her kisses on his neck,
Morphing monstrously into a werewolf that did wreck
Kitty's carnal cravings and yearning blood lust--
Her thinking:  "Oh Shit!"  This dude is a human/wolf/hybrid mutt.  
Kitty Ink Art:

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (2)

   Mark David King @ Twitter!  Too, books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com, like:  WEREWOLF SLUT . . .
Kitty wielded the weird of sorcery too,
Morphing her hair longer; still, with the raven hue;
Moreover, she danced naked in her silk-red panties,
Though no reflection in the mirror to make her have vanity-like fantasies;
Nonetheless, she knew she looked cool,
And that her super/vampire/girlness was nobody's fool;
Anyway, she marched into high school that Friday, Autumn morning,
Setting her bull's eye on Adam, the handsome boy all freshmen girls were adoring--
He was the high school punter for the football team;
Plus, easy on the eyes, having a pretty boy mien;
Hence, Kitty strutted up to his frame,
Wrapping her lusts around his throbbing brain,
Unexpectedly kissing him on the cheek,
Not knowing his wolf inside wasn't meek.
   Kitty Crayon Art: