Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles (4)

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Iron Bishop:  Book of Reptiles"
2 introduce myself:  Karsten is the name,
And only "infamy"--never fame,
For the cunning reptiles do enchant with meat,
Till la Vierge Marie steps on their leader with Her feet;
Indeed Evangelical Man--it's in the Holy Text
As is the Arch-Angel Gabriel giving Her HAIL & describing Her GRACE--She does not hex;
Alas, the adversarial organisms will kill, slander, or malign me in some way;
Hence, if you are of the Abrahamic Religions--for my weirdness pray.
I understand not what I do,
Wondering if they got 2 President Reagan before he was "in our defense" through . . . 

Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles (3)

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Iron Bishop:  Book of Reptiles"
Encompassed in the beauty of poverty,
I thanked the American Maker further for my pseudo-chastity;
Next, approaching my rural lawn
Arrived Clovis--looking cool like Captain Solo dubbed Han.
He offered a beer and broke the ice,
Informing why Faulkner was not so drunk as nice:
"The South had courage and was brave."
Clovis further, silent while mind-melding a crashing wave:
The South though, lacked pity and mercy,
Not having the progressive sorrow of the poet Percy;
Moreover, that is why the Beyond-Cosmic-Organism allowed them to lose the Civil War,
Not wanting the chained-captivity of any innocent girl;
Plus, now:  The South still does crush what is right,
Such as a sick man's inflamed or anxious plight,
While President Obama allows every State its might
To prescribe Medical Nature for a body's need to have an organic friend in the fight.
Then, Clovis further explained:
As President Reagan pondered if THEY'RE already among us,
Lt. Governor Ramsey is sure to cuss--
My son, I say he's a reptile--
Nah, not enough cunning to the gorgeous State of Tennessee beguile.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles (2)

* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *    

"Iron Bishop:  Book of Reptiles"
My brother Cassidy wasn't smart concerning our cool Dad,
For when the Old Man would hug his grandchildren, the children would grow the opposite of mad,
And ask:
"Grandpa, how do you knock out a guy and kiss a girl's fleshy mask?"
To which he would reply:
"Holy Shamrock--life is 2 never die."

Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles (1)

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Iron Bishop:  Book of Reptiles"
Clovis (my bio-dad) appeared 2 me after his death.
Now, a demonic decade later--I still don't do meth;
Alas, was he cloned from the Angel Nation?
Sent 2 remind of my carnal frustration?
To impress:  "Notice a girl with buxom mass."
Yep, woo the woman; plus, kiss her ass.

Ukraine Crisis: Don't Be A Fool

    * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Ukraine Crisis:  Don't Be A Fool"
   The White House must wisely embrace strength merged with patience.  President Reagan fantastically forged our nuclear steel; moreover, attempted to craft the cosmic Death Star, and we should use his uncanny might with caution.  
   George W. Bush was like:  "Yeehaw!  We're going to war baby!"  Though he kinda/sorta dodged it himself as a young man.  And the buxom symmetry of Sarah Palin bounces stupidly concerning our own nuclear jugs.  
   Look, President Obama recognizes the disabled and impoverished--this is a serious duty. 

   Furthermore, to foolishly engage the Monstrous Bear without wise consideration is to be a drunken cowboy.  Being combative with the Russians will not be a mirror image of running over the Arab Peoples lacking a Navy, Air-Force, Intelligence Satellites, and armed only with slingshots while wearing rags.
   Obama is no coward.  He's just not a fool.  Never show your hand or manifest macho bravado cause it might impress a stripper.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Craving the Lovebox

   "Craving the Lovebox"
   First of all:  I am a sincere ass; nevertheless, I know the toxic dangers of intercourse--with only a singular woman, mind you.  Having endured penile lacerations, permanent discoloration and slight mutation of the sought after phallic pipe, elephantitis of the nutsac; plus, the Klingon nag of cosmic crabs, which, according to my own Socratic observations by way of a magnifying glass I found in my Easter Basket one year, appear to mimic something you might hungrily order at the Red Lobster; as a result, I vomit to the day when taking in the antics of Spongebob's greedy employer.  
   It doesn't matter if she stalked me for a year without my attention, if she jumped naked into my third floor habitat-like window by way of a Home Depot ladder and into my adolescent bed--it was all my stupid ass fault.  I should have resisted harder, not having minded being called a "fag" by my motley circle of friends for never having had the desire to lay my pipe into her attractive sewage system.  

   --When all your best friends are sexing your quasi-girl--you should know about it, unless you're stupid.

   Never blame the forked-tongued reptile mentioned by the wisdom of the American Indian.  Don't slut shame.  Don't react.  These girls are empowered!  Women first.  For a woman never lies, cheats, does your best friend, becomes the Anti-Christ, or disguises herself as the victim.
   And all men paying child support are the genuine, biological fathers of these nomadic children.  A woman would never manifest a fib in order to get money.  DNA Testing should never be offered to men.  That would insult the value of a woman.
   And perhaps Oprah is right.  Pure sublimity to broadcast a show on girls lacking their clitoral sunshine due to the evils of Adam and wicked emasculation; next, have Lady Bobbitt on your symmetrical show and suck out the laughter concerning a man's permanent, sexual disfigurement. And I'm still an ass.
   Too, if a fancy dame treats her own, immaculate genitalia like a juicy joybox, maybe the guy should focus on a more cerebral piece of lass.  But that would get him mocked.  Of course . . .
   King @ Amazon.Com & the Nook.  Too, some @ Apple iTunes.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Notes: Ukraine HOTSPOT

   * * * Mark David King's Books @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Notes:  Ukraine HOTSPOT"
   Joseph Conrad conquered me in the 1st Chapter, creating a self-loathing heart of darkness--too, a pseudo-autobiography of my own (Transcending Twilight); still, Ukraine, speak'n of Conrad's geographical-like birth; specifically, Europe should boldly unite, along with the cowboy philosophy of Uncle Sam.
   Love the humble mystics of Dosto(y)evsky, a touch of Pushkin's leg longings, and perhaps a tease of Tolstoy.  Nevertheless, we must have autonomy; if Russia does with humble/tuff nod cease; next, they will have even more autonomy.
   American President Obama & German Chancellor Merkel could ultimately heal the woes of the past, forging a fantastic friendship.  Oh well--who will get Manziel?