Friday, September 16, 2016
Yearning Apotheosis (7) Necromancy?
"Yearning Apotheosis (7) Necromancy?"
Alone, always alone, save Sundays, and on special Holy Days, when Catholics talk to those alive in Christ--They Are Not Dead!!!
Energy cannot die. Of course, there are tricksters, liars, those wickedly proclaiming: "I want my gold!"
Is it wrong to invoke the Virgin? Was and is She not the Ark of the Covenant? Having held the LAW in Her Womb? And is She not alive in Christ? Are not the Saints?
Britt Flynn wanted nothing to do with evil--that was behind him, like Christ scolding Saint Peter for violence with the sword: "Get behind me Satan."
Yet Britt Flynn needed friends, not a Technological Revolution that robs men of their imaginations as trans-humanism has begun--we don't have to think anymore. But the impoverished do. They still use their cerebral capacities and human spirits.
Thus, Britt Flynn would talk to Christ. He is not dead. He is just waiting. And your feelings may sincerely be hurt when you approach the Father, that Intelligent Designer upon death--if you do not possess His Magnanimous Cool. Hence, Britt Flynn knew Saints have nothing save pure, sublime energy.
1970 Datsun 240Z
"1970 Datsun 240Z"
I, as should we all, revere the eight-cylinder. Strapping a 454 cubic inch motor on a wagon will outshine most things on the blacktop; however, there are agile and fiery six-cylinders, as well as fast and furious four-cylinders. So, here goes:
1970 Datsun 240Z
4-Speed with an Inline (straight) six.
Horsepower: 151.
Torque: 145 lb-ft.
0-6: Mid 7's.
Quarter Mile: 16 seconds.
Constructed to compete with cars such as the Triumph TR6, and regardless of its age--put a cowl induction on that antiquated Datsun; next, extra air flow into the carburetor; plus, some supertrapps sticking out the back to increase outtake--you got some wiry muscle.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Yearning Apotheosis (6)
"Yearning Apotheosis (6)"
Britt Flynn and Sister Cindy had reverence during Mass, silent and still as the Transubstantiation took place before their mortal eyes; next, they imbibed the Body of Christ, and went for their walk in the park.
Britt had endured a tough week of isolation, as always, though finding solace in the truth of the Bible, and the metaphors of science fiction writers. But the guilt. The lack of energy. The desire to die, and be with his Dad, and his True Father. He told this to Sister Cindy, and she knew he was suicidal; as a result, she told him a paradoxical story, containing both humor and severe suffering, saying: "At hospice one day, while I was changing a diaper for one of my patients, a large poop fell out; next, the therapy dog tried to eat it while I was escorting the patient to the toilet, and I started yelling at Sister Mary to stop the dog. I was greatly disturbed at first; then, I realized God must have a sense of humor, for I was just so relieved that my patient was able to have a healthy bowel evacuation."
Britt Flynn asked: "You're saying I should see the humor in things?"
Sister Cindy grabbed his arm, the walk came to a stop, she looked him in his Irish eyes and lovingly said: "You will be with your Father, and my Father, and all of humanity's Father soon enough. Just pray. Pray without ceasing, and laugh at how a peasant Virgin was chosen by the Almighty to become the Gate of Heaven--to bring forth our Lord. God could've picked a fancy princess, but He chose the lowest, as He usually does. Read the first chapter of Luke's Gospel. It is truly Good News about the Mother of God, and how She gets a bit loopy, so sweetly, an announces Her meeting with Saint Gabriel to Her cousin Elizabeth."
Britt Flynn would do so.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Yearning Apotheosis (5)
"Yearning Apotheosis (5)"
Britt Flynn was back in his government-housing, silent and pondering as the night was alive outside his locked chambers. He knew he had sinned; thus, the wages of death--the forced, though sometimes enjoyable molestation by his mother, and he had paid in full.
Moreover, he was humbled now. Like Saint Francis always was. Yet Joan of Arc--was she bloodthirsty, being beyond humility, or in a noble state, fighting to save her homeland? And King David differed than the perpetually-washing Levite Aaron, armed with a Staff of God, topaz on his breastplate, among other things that I will not mention. There are many differing personalities that inherit the Energy of the Almighty, yet none are reptiles--even though Christ said: "Be as cunning as serpents, yet as innocent as doves."
Britt Flynn was neither. Yet Sister Cindy would infuse him with something special. She had that altruistic energy. Was no reptile, or working for them in a filthy rich corporation. And Britt Flynn knew he could admit such things to his shrink--for who was going to believe a mad eunuch?
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Yearning Apotheosis (4)
"Yearning Apotheosis (4)"
Sister Cindy and Britt Flynn delicately digested their pizza covered in savory anchovies,
By way of a walk in the park, though not carrying band equipment like tattooed roadies;
Regardless, their hearts made a joyful noise unto the Luminous Lord,
Knowing Saint Michael will "Be Back" with his flaming sword;
Moreover, all shall see the Son of Man coming down from the Clouds of Heaven;
Plus, those Divine Angelic Entities standing before the Almighty's Throne--all Seven!
Them able to superposition their grace using physics unknown,
Which would give Einstein a headache if only corporeally known--
So just as did Saint Raphael superposition itself, walking alongside Tobias and a mere dog--
Sister Cindy and Britt Flynn enjoyed their walk, finding a Federal Reserve Note behind a log.
A small favor from the Goodness of God--
Him being Super-Symmetrical, and can be an impenetrable shield, if given David's praising nod.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Yearning Apotheosis (3)
"Yearning Apotheosis (3)"
Sister Cindy, after Mass had found culmination and the Virgin Mary was sincerely invoked by way of the mighty Rosary, sought out the poor, little man known as Britt--the Priest had informed her of him. She humbly, yet with suavity and cool, approached, as if on a holy mission, near an ivory-white statue of Our Lady outside of the Catholic Church; next, the conversation sparked.
You're Britt Flynn--are you not?
Yes Sister. He felt no wolf-like suspicion, only love and arctic cool.
I've heard your story; moreover, the torrid tales of your suffering and trauma. You don't have to be a veteran to be disabled.
Are we not all soldiers for Christ? Is not Saint Michael invoked for exorcism; plus, Saint Joan for strength and steel?
You know the Universal Saints--I like you.
I like the Trinity--it gives me spiritual fuel to exist.
And you will always exist in time and space--Christ is the Author of Life, even before theoretical physicists believed us to be living in a programmed hologram--but it's all synonymous--isn't it? Now, come have lunch with me. We can get pizza with anchovies.
Fishers of men, huh? I like it.
The twosome made their way to a pizza parlor, and Britt got a beer, Sister Cindy not minding.
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