Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thoracic Animus (7)

   "Thoracic Animus (7)"
   Mutt was inside the quasi-Tipi with Big Chief, a variety of Iroquois; specifically, a Mohawk, and the tobacco was burning--here we go:
Always find the woman.  The Mother.  She has greater intuition if aligned with the Dove.  She steps on the snake.  And a snake promises great reward, but strikes at the end.  You will know them by their fruits.  Don't grow for yourself but others, having the Source--a brave, sacred heart--fountain of life and holiness.

People anger me in my family.  Forked tongues as my Grandfather mentioned during a Glenn Ford movie.  

Of course.  They attempt to box you in a cage, because they see you are brutally honest.  They want to thieve away that honesty, writing false fiction, inspiring chaos, but let them say what they say, for HE sees you alone, like a ladybug being the best monitor, or the spider in your secluded and lonely room.  Grandfather sees all and knows all.  There is nothing hidden from HIM.  Don't let them only speak or testify about you falsely, when they aggressively strike @ you with vicious venom, and like any man--you react with anxious fear.  That is what they want.  Remember, your Mother steps on the head of the sinister snake.  It has been written.  

I will listen wise Chief, you being so wise to know that detesting the forked tongue and phony confidence in it--that is the true, lesser path of wisdom.  A verb.  A thing in relaxed yet defensive alignment.   

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Let the good times roll-Cars (lyrics)

Boba Fett vs Luke Skywalker

Thoracic Animus (6)

   "Thoracic Animus (6)"
   Mutt knew, all those fostering his depressed dog had dyed red hair--FAKES!  They didn't carry the true blood, neither do most people; thus, their Wicca is wishes, and you can only wish on weird, or bet on black, or bid in blue, or SpongeBob in Orange, or gamble in green, or yellow snowman in yellow--you get it, maybe.
   And Mutt would position his wallet or other items, leaving the room, and seeing if they had been moved by these artificial red heads, and they had.
   But their control is like a fake alien invasion released.  An illusion of bologna intrusion, and the blue vests need to get smarter, or wiser, hating pride, arrogance, and false testimony.
   Mutt got his dog back, played some Poker with the holy hound.  Found the Fool Card, but there is no Western Dakota.  So, he went to the real red--Chief.  Beautiful, scorched before in truth and passion, not drinking the Kool-Aid, for his people were his people, and didn't belong to any man save the Great Spirit.  When he entered Chief's bungalow, he kept his Iroquois, but reserved his Orthodox Serb, not wanting to get ignited by vociferous voracity with another truth being hijacked hungry.   

Thoracic Animus (5)

   "Thoracic Animus (5)"
Mutt reflected upon Winchester the 3rd,
That thoracic surgeon thinking meatball surgery did disturb,
Yet worse than someone saying it's not your house,
And a razor wristways, thinking you're homeless--blame their demon; specifically, their spouse;
Alas, things could have union for Mutt,
Knowing Christ said they will hate you because of Him, like of Han Solo did Jabba the Hutt;
Moreover, once union arriveth, and a duplicate you become of David's metaphorical son;
Next, everlasting from everlasting, like Roy Rogers' reruns and his six-gun.
But Mutt only carried his little, depressed dog,
Offering comfort and solace while uplifts their nostrils like a snob,
Thinking their shit doesn't stink because of a white shirt,
When it only covers the coal of a black heart, filthy as diabolical dirt;
As a result, Mutt felt no guilt for persevering due to a Messiah,
Glad he lived in Dakota and not Carolina.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dodgers play Cubs--TONIGHT

   "Dodgers play Cubs--TONIGHT"
   Tonight, the Chicago Cubs will raise their Wold Series Champion Banner; moreover, my favorite team, the LA Dodgers will be there, giving plenty of LIVE-ACTION.
   And watching baseball on television is not boring, unless you're a boring person--in my opinion, but yes, you cannot smell them cooking Dodger Dogs out in actual California, but the essence and spirit of it can be brought into your imagination, even if you boil a turkey dog; next, lather up a bun with some spicy mustard and add a kosher dill spear, followed by pouring yourself an ice cold Bud.  So, TONIGHT--Dodgers face the Cubs!

Dodgers Record:  

W:  4  L:  3

Cubs Record: 

W:  4  L:  2  

Star Wars - Opening Scene