Friday, May 5, 2017

Grizzly Hybrid (2)

   "Grizzle Hybrid (2)"
   Friday; thus, Sorrowful Mysteries on the Holy Beads--it always hurt Trixie.  She wasn't a master of Euclidean Geometry; however, could enter the Fourth Dimension through the mystical meditations of the ivory-like, white rose.  Too, lived in Bozeman, Montana--same place as Johnny Starvation, but she didn't know the wiry scrapper and mixed mutation with Rh negative, just yet; at the same time, her candle was lit before the architecture of time, and engineers only need to lay railroad tracks for Lincoln's firm, symmetrical log.  
   Trixie was a survivalist.  Like her Great Cousin Joey in the population control of NAM--poor black kids and white hillbillies; regardless, Great Cousin Joey was a Black Beret, when it, not in French, meant:  RANGER--only using a knife and barbwire behind enemy lines.  Now, it is shit, but God Bless all the kids, and we all should feel special, at times--but be of not two minds, and slap yourself.
   Indeed, Trixie was baptized with John's water, the best man born through a womb; plus, the fire of Christ, more like ice, if King David and Scorpios are concerned.  But nobody pays attention.  Trust man.  Trust the 3rd leading killer of man--physicians and nurses.  But never enter the Fourth Dimension, in the minimum.  
   Trixie too did Algebra in her sleep.  She dropped out of school, but could do Algebra in her sleep, and like Joyce the Irishman, prove by Algebra that Hamlet's Ghost was kinda/sorta his actual father--more or less.  Who the hell knows?  All we need are the fundamentals.  
   Trixie ate her canned food, slept in a tent, and dreamed of Johnny Starvation's buzz cut being hunted by a Kodiak gelled with a Grizzly.  She was older.  Remembered when Kodiak snuff was out before Grizzly.  Remembered Reagan's soft disclosure, but everyone was playing PAC-MAN.  She wasn't a cougar.  Had no trans-vaginal mesh.  But Johnny Starvation needed a big sister.  And the Author of Life would write her part, transcending prose--into a state of pure poetry. 
   That's everyone's, even the fallen's, greatest fear--nobody knows the Father's next move.   

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Grizzly Hybrid (1)

   "Grizzly Hybrid (1)"
   Johnny Starvation's father was a Serbian-born immigrant, but he took the boat to the Big Apple, after a few railways, here and there, from Eastern Europe.  His mother was of the Crow Tribes of Montana, which are Federally recognized; anyway, Johnny Starvation wasn't that knowledgeable of the historical axioms in Montana, though he resided there, in the southern portion, knowing it was something like:  The Last Great Place, but he wasn't axiomatically positive.
   He took a little funds from the government, giving it to the Great Spirit in his mind, which was the Trinity, him being an Orthodox Church believer, drinking the true Blood and eating the true Body, but had a sense of nature and animism, for the genes did hide within, Christ having said:  "The Kingdom of God is within you."  Again, taking from the Old Testament He first wrote, especially in the Heart of a man named David, him having said:  "Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me."
   But Johnny Starvation wasn't pondering theology @ the moment.  Too busy worried about the Brown Bear on his small portion of property, which was driving his Pomsky puppy wacko.  Her name was Quicksand, and she always got into stuff, like his spaghetti or Corn Flakes.  Johnny was a bit thin, but his Mom gave him a lot of milk, and he still drank 3 cups a day, not listening to Doctor Spock, and having no gastrointestinal issues.  Hell, he figured he should buy some Tiger Milk off the Internet and beef up his ectomorphish frame a bit.  
   Anyway, they said the Grizzly had mated with a Kodiak up in Canada, wending its way down to Montana for the celebration of life.  A Bear's Totem is confidence, patience, and grounding; plus, many other things.  And all Johnny Starvation had was a small Pomsky and a 100 pound crossbow--the boy had to get working, if he was to live.  

Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Han Solo - Bounty Hunter (Har...

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Virgin Mary: Ark of the Covenant

   "Virgin Mary:  Ark of the Covenant" 
   Plenty of theological theories--Saint Helena bringing armies to investigate Israel; plus, many a Rabbi kept the secrets.  Just theory.  I'm a fruitcake, but here we go.
   In THE LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, She is described as the Ark of the Covenant, Tower of David, and more.  Some theologians suggest that She was a Levite, the only people able to carry the Ark of the Covenant, as they were clean, washing perpetually.  And the Ark held the LAW, as did the Virgin Mary hold the New LAW in Her inviolate Belly.  Thus, at least metaphorically, She could be dubbed the Ark of the Covenant. 
   Some say She had to be a Levite mixed with the Tribe of Judah.  A patriarch or matriarch describes the truth of you though.  And of course, Saint Joseph was from the House of David.
   But the Torah was offered to many nations, according to the college dropout Philip K. Dick, a sci-fi prophet of sorts, yet all nations rejected it, due to it allowing you to have no fun in life.  Ya know:  "Thou shalt not do this; thou shalt not do that."  Nobody but a bunch of slaves would accept it--according to Philip K. Dick's words.
   But Christ raised the LAW, saying:  "Follow My Father's LAW, and Mine."  
   He jacked up the legality with the Beatitudes.  And told people to spread His Living Flesh and Blood.  And like Saint Peter in his constant anxiety freakishly asked:  "Rabbi, we have given up everything to follow you--what's in it for us?"
   Christ basically replied:  "You will be persecuted greatly if you follow Me."  And I'm sure Saint Peter's eyes got filled with more anxiety, yet Christ was kinda/sorta like:  "Relax Peter, because after all the bad stuff is out of the way, you will inherit a geography with many Fathers and Mothers; plus, many Brothers and Sisters, and there shall be no contempt."
   Indeed, Christ is the New LAW, yet forsakes not, but fulfills, the Old LAW.  Verily, one day--Justice and Peace shall kiss.  

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

King David: Seed of Jesse

   "King David:  Seed of Jesse"
   Little brothers, like Joseph, are kinda bold in their multi-hued coats; thus, thrown to die or sold into slavery; next, shave their heads, and embrace the salacious scold of exile--you'll get more.   
   Little David, seed of Jesse, a little brother made fun of for being a mere shepherd, yet they said of King Saul, who stood head and shoulders above the rest:  "Saul has slain his thousands; David his tens of thousands."  And even though Saul attempted to kill David--David writes love poetry for his King after Saul fell on his own sword, not to be slayed by Philistines.
   King David, as I read on the Internet and hear the babble of pagan shrinks, is described as bi-polar, OCD, and having other psychiatric conditions, being in a psychotic state of love for God, and God alone.  He loved God more than any other; specifically, shared God's Heart.  
   And he does sing:  "God does not chide forever against those that fear him."  And he does this to reassure us, of God's love if answered, as the Virgin Mary quotes him, as does Her Son, more or less; indeed, Christ's Words are plays on the Old Testament, with a little new wine mixed in, speaking in parables, so only the chosen and called will comprehend.
   King David wrote of venereal disease, loins burning, yet through the herb and mysticism, he was made healed, until freezing, more or less, to death.
  Bat Sheva, or as we say:  Bathsheba, was more than his lover.  He assisted in the mortal destruction of her first man, Uriah, and King David paid in Aces.  Absalom against him, attempting to rape a sister, his brothers pulling him off.
   But through sin, endurance, but most of all--AN UNCANNY LOVE for GOD, King David is at the top of the list.  Who said the meek will inherit the Earth?  The metaphorical Son of David, Christ, but King David, His allegorical father said it first.
   And on Saint Joseph's time of celebration in Catholicism--we sing:  "The Son of David LIVES forever."  And He does, for His world is not of this world.  

Monday, May 1, 2017

Saint Joseph: A Soul of Silence

   "Saint Joseph:  A Soul of Silence"
   When I enter the confessional, getting the Holy Sacrament, since it is the time of the NSA, I always probe:  "Bless me Father, for I have sinned--you don't have your cell phone turned on, do you?"
   I wish.  I am not that comedic in social scenarios, but act like Jango Fett or Clint Eastwood; next, wash, sanitize, and evacuate my bowels in odd places--as this is me, and be yourself--if it is from the heart and pleases God, the Father, yet the Mother, in my opinion, is the inviolate Eye of the Storm, for a Mother will give Her Son Her last dollar.
   Saint John of the Cross and Saint Teresa of Avila, both super-mundane mystics, though seeking this can be dangerous, for as the Southern Baptists told me, once you accept Christ--there will be a target on your back.
   Anyway, Purgation; plus, Illumination  = Union.  A Theological Equation.  Purge the Church window with cleansing; next, the Sun comes in, illuminating; then, the Church is full of LIGHT, and so are you--connected to God.  And they tried to kill Saint John of the Cross, as they did Saint Joan of Arc, before Twain, in my humble opinion, had her beautified and canonized.
   Saint Teresa of Avila reminds me of a bold Stevie Nicks, living in Arizona at times, and keeping her crystal visions, wisely, to herself.  Yet Saint Teresa of Avila speaks of wending your way deeper into the crystal, and when you see the small reptiles, be not concerned, for even a dirty mouse gets into a clean house's box of FROSTED FLAKES.
   So, as Saint Joseph was the TERROR of DEMONS and SOLACE of the WRETCHED, most likely due to Eastwood's silent and Solomon-like countenance of eye-squinting tough, or maybe not; nevertheless, his mystery is contagious, and protective.  A celibate protector of Mother Church, though I argued with this due to a partial Protestant education, yet I acknowledge even the non-canonized texts, as the Four Gospels were meant for the masses, while the hidden works were meant for the uncanny in their zealous pursuit of Christ.  But I'm just Jack Burton, without the 18 Wheeler, but I have a CB, and you can find me on channel 3, or 4, or even 19--listening to the truckers, still alive on the highway, before computerized-driving thieves away their jobs.  But maybe we can tax computers, use no money, and be giving in life, with Health Care for ALL.  Trust me sister--you don't wanna be sick, unless it is a blessing, and it can be, for we all are called to repent.  

Leia and Lando escaping Bespin Episode V