Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hail Holy Queen

   "Hail Holy Queen"
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope!  To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.  To thee doe we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears!  Turn, then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Litany of St. Joseph

   "The Litany of St. Joseph"
   You have to go to the underground to unearth the TRUTH.  There were many non-canonized Gospels before Saint Irenaeus knew that just as there are Four Winds, there should be Four Gospels, like unto Ezekiel's vision of the Four Living Creatures; moreover, we get the reality of Saint Joseph in many of these hidden texts.  I will not give the entire Litany, not out of disrespect, but so that you can seek it out yourself--here are some aspects:
The Litany of St. Joseph:

St. Joseph,
Renowned offspring of David,
Light of Patriarchs,
Spouse of the Mother of God,
Chaste guardian of the Virgin,
Foster father of the Son of God,
Diligent protector of Christ,
Head of the Holy Family,
Joseph most just,
Joseph most chaste,
Joseph most prudent,
Joseph most strong,
Joseph most obedient,
Joseph most faithful,
Mirror of patience,
Lover of poverty,
Model of artisans,
Glory of home life,
Guardian of virgins,
Pillar of families,
Solace of the wretched,
Hope of the sick,
Patron of the dying,
Terror of demons,
Protector of Holy Church . . .

Saturday, March 4, 2017

1 PARALIPOMENON--part of chapter 20

   "1 PARALIPOMENON--part of chapter 20"

   Chapter 20, verses 4 through 7:

   After this there arose a war at Gazer against the Philistines:  in which Sabachai the Husathite slew Saphai of the race of Raphaim, and humbled them.  Another battle also was fought against the Philistines, in which Adeodatus the son of Saltus a Bethlehemite slew the brother of Goliath the Gethite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.  There was another battle also in Geth, in which there was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand and foot:  who also was born of the stock of Rapha.  He reviled Israel:  but Jonathan the son of of Samaa the brother of David slew him.  These were the sons of Rapha in Geth, who fell by the hand of David and his servants.  

Fox Biddable (10)

   "Fox Biddable (10)"
   Yup, back at the bowling alley, Jenny having a singular, cold lager, while Healing Eagle was dipping chaw and drinking green tea with organic spearmint leaves--he brought the leaves, home grown, himself.
   The twosome weren't having a mystical lesson concerning anything--not much anyway.  Just listening to the violent vibrations of pins getting cracked by multi-hued balls of rolling thunder, as with echo location, since the live-action was behind them, falling down, falling down.
   But Healing Eagle brought up:  "You see any foxes at night in the suburbs?"
   Jenny reflected, intensely; next, a theophany brought by the humorous coyote, him being next to the Great Spirit Itself, showcasing the suburban sprawl housing foxes in her neighborhood, before the sprawl part thieved away the wildlife.  She remembered them playing and dancing joyously under the starlit sky, as if praising the Song of the Lord--He loves all His creatures, whether big or small--His Genes within, proving animism, which does not steal from the super-symmetrical and divine ways of a gelling Judeo-Christianity, for even Tobias had a dog when accompanied by the Arch-Angel Saint Raphael.  
   "Yeah, I do remember foxes in my neighborhood."  Jenny said, her garnet green eyes sparkling with a sort of healing factor.
   Healing Eagle smiled:  "Always reflect--and test every spirit.  Too, never deny the true Law of it all, or you will inherit coal in your stocking."  

Fox Biddable (9)

   "Fox Biddable (9)"
   Jenny McGee got a bit lost from her foxiness, just for a moment, for she was cleaning up her Dad's putrid puke on the desert-brown futon, him not able to make it to the toilet after greedily guzzling a sixer followed by a bottle of Jack Daniels; indeed, the old man was a lascivious lush, only getting off on NASCAR though, having great reflection on the Buddy Baker days--him the gentle giant of automobile racing--forever and ever and ever.  
   So, she decided to intervene concerning his deranged drinking, by sweetly shaming him--the best way to do it being by way of making his conscience ignite, which is like a loving mother's instruction and benevolent concern; thus, she got Granny Ginger on the horn, a woman of great girth and spunky spirit.
   Granny Ginger had always cracked up Jenny.  The woman herself had no shame.  Would spit her tobacco juice into a tin cup, followed by vociferously announcing, every freaking, juicy time mind you:  "Bull's Eye!"  Too, her flatulence was legendary, not as bad as Martin Luther's during his phobic concerns over meeting the Pope, but it was a comical yet hideous explosion of internal gas, producing a sort of ripple effect, as her butt cheeks were like unto two tubs of large curd cottage cheese, and the ferocious farts were never held in like a lady should do, but she used the "Force" to shove the noxious gas outwards, it sounding like Paul Bunyan taking his ax to a whoopi cushion's child-like innocence.
   So, she told Granny Ginger to crack down on Dad; next, after Granny agreed--Jenny remembered her foxiness, rubbed her fox tooth necklace, and camouflaged her presence from Dad, but not before cranking up the television volume to full throttle, making his head ache with angered annoyance, it driving him back into a sober state of calm consciousness, and making his former military training kick in, which inspired him to clean up the rest of his own vile vomit.  Yup, Jenny could use her tricks for noble purpose, but Dad needed Xanax if he wanted to relax, and who the hell isn't on that mind-numbing shit, us all effected by the greater knowledge that we are not alone, unable to accept the smell of Folgers in the morning, being too busy to seek God and put light into darkness, having dastardly denial concerning mercy and miracles, as none of the fallen want us to know that true love truly exists. 
   Then, Jenny got inside her economically-inclined Honda, and wended her way towards the destiny of Healing Eagle--for her next serious session of Otherworldly training.      

Friday, March 3, 2017

East of Eden (1/10) Movie CLIP - Talk to Me, Father (1955) HD

Fox Biddable (8)

   "Fox Biddable (8)"
   Healing Eagle was sitting on his home-crafted picnic table, reading the newspaper, despising the fade of print media; moreover, it was all ink-squid perishing, and them EMFs will rot the brain, more or less.
   The blue-light is keen for daytime, but once sundown arriveth, put your hands of Moses and the Levite Priest, his older brother Aaron down, having some topaz on your breastplate.
   The Law is the Law, offered to many, but rejected save the blonde and red-haired slaves of antiquated Egypt.  
   Healing Eagle reached out with his pineal intrusion into the lovely fox of Jenny McGee, and while Descartes knew the pineal gland to be the Throne of God, he resisted an animal's soul having consciousness, which was a big mistake.  
   And Healing Eagle saw the guns on the Chief's wife.  She was not used by Trump--she's got freaking bicep-inspired guns.  They sign up, under whatever party, to be warriors for the United States and its free-bird flying high, yet hunting low.  Chiefs run the Navy, and Sergeants run the Army, as G. Gordon Liddy has spoken, and in the Army--there is only one color--GREEN.
   People want to divide, as goes their reptilian nature.  Money divides, wanting more, loving less, yet charity runneth a man's cup over--if offered in humility, like a meek yet wild Franciscan, putting light into darkness.
   Healing Eagle couldn't quote Saint John the Eagle's Gospel enough:  "The light cometh, and the darkness comprehend it not."  Moses offered LIFE through the Law, and the Virgin carried IT in Her belly, but all is misinformation, as wends the way of false testimony, for the digestion of dark souls.