Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rockford Files Intro

The Skunk (6)

   "The Skunk (6)"
   Stinky, as commanded by his Native American heritage, always gave an ear to the mysterious underground.  He knew, not to judge, but before going to sleep, remind himself of everything he had done and experienced that day, knowing no scenario of "chance" exists; moreover, to own the reflections of the day, letting them steer himself more introspective.  He couldn't help but feel Blake's words thunder through him concerning the poet's favorite quote of Christ:  "I came not to bring peace, but a sword."
   Stinky had no intention of manifesting the Skunk Totem, thrusting his vigilante-styled actions upon the injustice and deceivers of the world--they had made him this stinky weapon; specifically, they had forged him into a living metaphor for peace and justice kissing, both of these things mentioned in Old and New Testament alike.  Wax on; wax off.  Can wax brilliant, can wane dim; however, waning can mean the end of negativity, while waxing can mean the beginning of entropy; however, it can be reversed when needed by a hunting pack of dog-like loyalists walking the Red Road.
   So, Stinky put on the armor of God, making himself as white as snow, with the blackness around, absorbing evil, and the Skunk went out to hunt some thugs, knowing it was not their fault, them controlled and manipulated, but he would God-piss the demons out of them.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Skunk (5)

   "The Skunk (5)"
   Stinky was in good counsel with his Christian shinobi, a master of all the defensive arts for the poor and oppressed.  The shinobi reminded him of the devil using Scripture to tempt and trick the Christ, and as Stinky told his Priest yesterday:  "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
   The devil is a master of Scripture.  People say they live by the Golden Rule, when they clearly do not.  People say turn the other cheek, making the Lord into a wussy.  Covering up history, putting the trident in the devil's hands, when Christ clearly explains He will separate the wheat from the chaff with the pitchfork.  And Martin Luther, armed with flatulence and bologna, basing his BS on a singular verse, when in Truth--it's the entire enchilada. 
   "What have you learned today?"  The shinobi asked Stinky.
   Stinky responded with King David's mystic words:  "Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me--bless His Holy Name."    
   BTW:  The words of Mary and Christ are mostly Old Testament references; moreover, the New Wine gets even bolder.  

Lyrics~~ Gun Powder and Lead

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Skunk (4)

   "The Skunk (4)"

   Stinky's Priest warned him about his Native American heritage, listening to some of its mysteries, and while Stinky knew that many were savages, some were pure sublimity.  So, Stinky reminded the Priest what Christ said to the pathetic prince of this world:  "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."  Indeed, theologians argue, but mystics do not.
   Stinky loved his Priest, but the dude wasn't the true Vicar of Christ; still, ya never can tell.  Yes Christ saves, and so does anything that fuels you with humility, walking in fear of the Great Spiritual Mystery, only fearing God--no angel, jinn, or giant.  Did the great bard/fighter and King of Israel not say that the sons of men were almost as strong as angels, and to fear nothing but God?  
   Stinky prayed for the Priest he loved; next, prayed for himself.  Afterwards, went to do his job at TACO BELL.  Too, Stinky had nothing that came before the Christ, nothing save Christ's Father.   

The Skunk (3)

   "The Skunk (3)"
   Stinky made his way into the underground, where the shinobi did dwell, not afraid of those bullying reptiles beneath Terra's terrain, but picking them up, gallantly.  There, he found his enlightened instructor, a little Japanese man, armed with a power source that was in the midst of himself.  The shinobi instructor asked:  "Still praying for your Priest?"
   Stinky was humble, modestly stating:  "I always pray for the weak or those terrorized--their pineal glands tapped into by forces unseen.  Though no matter how depraved a Priest might be, as Saint Francis knew, it is wise to always salute a Priest before an angel, for he performs the act of the Transubstantiation.  And my Priest does this, but has no passion for the Universe of Christ, and that love is as strong as steel."
    The shinobi replied:  "We are all separate Universes within the Multiverse.  But we are distracted, as my people did to the samurai, knowing of the sublime angels and the fallen.  Christ knew to be as cunning as a serpent, yet as innocent as a dove--without that innocence, the serpent devours you hungrily.  This Gospel is beyond counterpoise, and only hearkened unto by the wise, fearing God, knowing fear of God is hatred of pride, arrogance, the forked tongue, and deceit.  The molested becomes the molester, and the deceived become deceivers."  
   "Thank you for today's lesson."  Stinky said, nodding.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Skunk (2)

   "The Skunk (2)"
   Stinky made an exotic exodus from his laboring duties at TACO BELL; specifically, flipped the bird to some rednecks giving a teenage girl some, well basically--shit.  Saying stuff like:  "Yo young thang, hook up with us and we gonna take you outta such mundane places--put you in the heavens."
   Stinky, noticing them a mix of street thug, dirty cowboy raised in the south, and all the iniquitous rest that did pugnaciously penetrate the perimeter into Wyoming, wanting to drop their filthy bomb on his beloved locals, which were pure cowgirls and cowboys--in the sense of gelling with the freedom of the American West; moreover, he knew those dudes would follow him out to the parking lot; plus, that whatever they were carrying--it could not match his Totem of primal piss.
   He loaded his metaphorical bladder, preparing his urethra to bull's eye them--his perverted and pursuing targets.  It's best to upset a man; next, his arms are in the air, and he is exposed in certain sensitive areas.  Stinky took aim and pissed brilliance all over them, taking them to their knees.  
   He knew it wasn't their fault for being such proud pricks with a bloodthirsty taste for the inviolate and innocent.  They were controlled, having been monitored from birth due to their lascivious obviousness; thus, fueled by venom, like a big-mouthed woman with penis envy--she can't dick somebody, so she uses her obnoxious mouth to give it to you.  They should've read the bodacious bard's:  The Taming of the Shrew.