Friday, April 7, 2017

Bravo Sierra--dude

   "Bravo Sierra--dude"
   And they say, nursing homes give bloody enemas, without sublime intention, like a gastroenterologist that is dual-sexual, wanting to punish the anal cavity--am I offering bullshit?
   Cigarettes and crack cocaine kill less people than physician and nurse error in the USA; moreover, the FDA has just brought back Electric Shock Treatment, making it safer, though not knowing where the electricity goes.  WTF?  And that's why they hate vitamins, especially Turmeric, @ $17.00 dollars a bottle, so as not to be healed, and kill the old people--for what are they worth?  Babies and Old People matter, as the Chief does respect age and its sufferings, if smoked with a Lucky, dude.
   Kill the freaks.  I remember, being in the hospital at 28 years of age--117 pounds, with a thick, black mustache, pooping blood divine, and Wikipedia says Ulcerative Colitis never knows a blood transfusion, but I had one, before the afro-american nurse laughed at me, telling me to give up life support, saying:  "I know when it's my time to go--when I lose control of my bowels."  And she will lose control herself,  for those that give--receive, and my step-mother knows this, drinking her wine till bloody stool, because of iniquitous insistence, and it will kill her; plus, my attorney brother, him sitting me down, saying:  "Mark, Dad worked at Lockheed/Martin; thus, you will be able to endure your shitty life of OCD, ulcerative colitis, sleep paralysis/narcolepsy, psoriasis on the genitals and in the anal cavity; plus, social phobia, inability to urinate or poop in public, agitation from the aliens, and a prick as an older brother--because I look like Rick Moranis."  
   Child abuse has no statute of limitations, and my step-brother hung me upside down from my legs as a child, swinging me into terror, while my other step-brother adored and looked after me, but he is the weird one, because he endured more than any other could handle, knowing G. Gordon Liddy's awesome survival tactics, beyond the way of the majestic ninja.  
   They attempt to kill babies in the womb; they kill old people--worthless, yet the old people smile at me every morning and say:  "I love you Mark--top of the morning."
   They deny Christ and blonde angels, making Jesus black and sinister in liberalism, being not merciful, yet their Dad is drunk due to a nasty wife that is a sea hag, but we love sea hags, and Axl Rose almost got a sea hag to play for Guns and Roses, but he chose a dude from the Cult.
   Everything is backwards.  Obama enslaves, yet Trump frees, though his health care was bullcrap; still, he has a heart; plus, an angelic wife, pure female, and she says the Our Father, for God already knows all your thoughts--so why bother?
   It will be okay.  Trust Jesus--get your ass kicked; next, inherit their blonde comeback, and don't deny a fairy tale gone true, because physician and nurse error kills more people than smoking and crack cocaine combined.  Love the reality of beyond, for here is bullcrap, so He said, not of this world . . ..

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Mystical East

   "The Mystical East"
   The East can mean many things, as a coyote means many things; moreover, in Ezekiel's vision after encountering the spherical craft, the Spirit of God comes from the East, and the Wise Men come to Christ from the East.  Plotinus might have said simplicity is close to God, and like a child believing--it might be.
   We always say:  "Let him without sin throw the first stone."  But the story usually ends there, and we never hear the true quicksand concerning sin.  Christ was drawing on the ground, and the woman accused of adultery, well--her accusers became absent, and Christ was still drawing on the Earth with his finger, and basically didn't just loose her back on the world, yet mentioned:  "Go, and sin No More."  Rebuke a sinner, but forgive them.
   Saint Peter was like:  "Christ, we've given up everything--what's in this for us?"  Christ mentioned times of great persecution to come, and Saint Peter was not thrilled to hear that response, but I can believe Christ to be softly smiling, telling the Rock to relax, and that a great geography will be for the followers and chosen, and that many Mothers and Fathers; plus, many Sisters and Brothers will be inherited, without bickering among each other.
   We can only hope for the wisdom of the East to arrive.  To pray like children, and if a man asks his father for a fish with faith and love; next, the father simply gives him a fish, not a serpent.  Today is Thursday, and the Luminous Mysteries tell us to meditate on the Proclamation of the Kingdom, making ourselves like unto children, trusting Our Father.  

Why doesn't Odie talk?

   "Why doesn't Odie talk?"
   I always loved Garfield as a kid, though Bill the Cat said:  "Real cats don't eat lasagna."  Plus, in Bloom County they were always hunting liberals.  
   Garfield actually lost a little weight, getting more lean as he evolved, and Odie went through a bit of color-changing evolution as well; moreover, read War and Peace, but he doesn't seem to be vociferous in any manner--oh well, at least he always appears to be smiling, and they say werewolves have telepathy; thus, related to Homo Lupus, I guess he just grabs you're attention with loyal love, for dogs work on the reward system.  You can't tough love a dog, or sensitive people, but with the reward system, all those related to canines are forged friendly and benign, but kick a dog, and he'll take a bite out of your snatch.  

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

An Angel of the Lord

   "An Angel of the Lord"
   Do they call you General Sherman, having contempt for scorched burning, when like with Lycanthropy, you are fighting for freedom and truth--or was he?
   Living in a sanitized world, purifying perpetually to maintain innocence and benevolence, and when you deny the shrew--she hates you, never to be tamed save by demons, always offering false testimony, yet Daniel admits the LIGHT.
   They, as accusers, are noise, trumpeting in the Illuminati of lies, in order to disrupt your contemplation of celibacy--not a punishment, yet a divine discipline.  They want you to get involved, mix it up, smear a bedazzled babe, light the wick of passion non-pure, yet you see the illumination of persecution, in order to inherit a mansion, with many fathers and mothers; plus, many brothers and sisters, all in a collective mesh of mystical mutual.  And that's why Timothy and me love cool Grandmas.  But they believe thugs pamper her and speak truly, yet Heston knows as the chimp rides the pony, and Soylent Green is to be avoided in fast-food joints, where iniquity is upon the toilet seat, and a washed hand is not enough, save through the grace of opening the door with a wet, sanitized wipe.  
   They lie about you, hunting your negative blood type, dismissing Joan of Arc's voices, as she was, having burned her to not get the DNA of a Saint's truth, when it has been spoken through Twain, never giving a damn about Tom Sawyer, only her, and they salaciously criticize, as they are of the prince of this world.
   Resist not evil--let it touch you, for if you have that portion of God, the light of the Holy Spirit within--when it touches you--it dies, and you are no longer labelled a liar, when their fibs are paramount, in order to obnoxiously accuse, and they are harlots visiting, yet their husbands sustain weirdly, defiled by a besmirched beauty, her not having beauty, but reptilian lips smelling circumstance.  Only the chosen know, and big mouths on the telephone are monkeys throwing poop at the zoo, so mischievous and malnourished by the labors of pure passion, them confessors giving water to the thirsty, and never mocking God with the false realm of reality, knowing . . .

It's Gelled Baby

   "It's Gelled Baby"
   The Fates, the Norns, the Godhead, whatever.  Easter is a pagan holiday--whatever.  As Riddick knew:  "If you kill something--you own it."  Perhaps this is true, in some cases.
   We have the thunder god Thor hunting the World Serpent as Saint Michael fights the rebellious adder.  Balder, who some say had the Rune "Dagaz" (LIGHT) tattooed on his tongue, him getting killed by the adversary, yet rising with a fresh, new Earth.  Odin the All Father, and we say the "Our Father" as Christ commanded, Him knowing God already knows all of our thoughts, which the Koran concludes as well.  
   Christ says to persevere to the end, and the Valkyries take you up to Valhalla due to perpetual bravery--blonde angel types.  And what angel is not blonde; plus, ever see an angel with a beard?  As the late, great Bishop Sheen humorously said:  "You get into Heaven with a clean shave."  I guess they don't allow hippies.  And Jesus was no hippie.  But they've made him a Marxist, pneumatic, black, a liberal, and a wimp--when He is none of those things, but only Our Salvation.  

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