Monday, May 29, 2017

Kooky Lucy Frost (4)

   "Kooky Lucy Frost (4)"
   Beyond the back of the wall, having sat like the protective cowboy Shane and Han Solo, Lucy Frost was invited into the psychiatrist's office, him an older, scholarly-looking man, like a cerebral intellectual from Barney Miller, loving the underground, and not totally trusting the government, unless Harry S. Truman was back in office, and Lucy figured the S. stood for just S; anyway, she entered, ignored the Freudian couch, sitting face to face; next, admitted her internal, kooky lunatic-fringe concerning germs and obese guys making their own gravy; thus, it got quicksand deep--like this:
You have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Tics, many Social Phobias, and are an uncanny example of yourself, in that you are gifted, but realize it not.

What on Earth do you mean?

Like the Double Helix of DNA, not of this Earth--neither are you, completely.  I'm going to write you a note--do not tell anybody you're going, and I want you to see this physician friend of mine and get your blood-work done.  Like I said, don't tell anyone, or the shadow government will be there before you, and put an implant in; moreover, read the Illuminatus! Trilogy.

What on Earth?

Just do as I say.  And your mental disabilities are actually a gift.  I surmise you might have a weakened immune system; thus, the OCD is being a protective shield of sorts; furthermore, while innate possibilities are possible, so is everything, as energy is transferable.  Don't let negative thoughts inside--trust your intuition, and feel no guilt--the Cross takes away all the guilt, even if you smacked a Nun with a vibrator.  It hangs in the National Library of Congress, the Nazarene description of Jesus by Pilate, yet they smear the surfer Jesus, and make him wear blue jeans, but I like blue jeans.

What on Earth?

Come back in a day, after your blood-work is done; at that time, I will offer you more.  And get your Orthodox ass to eat the Body of Christ.

How did you know I was Orthodox?

The shadow government told me before you entered, but I piss pleasantly on them, fearing no angel, jinn, giant, but only God Himself.  And what is fear of God?  It is hatred.  Hatred of pride, arrogance, and false testimony.

What on Earth?  Where did you go to school?

University of Phoenix--of course . . .

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vietnam: The 80's Truth Lingers

   "Vietnam:  The 80's Truth Lingers"
   I'm no VET.  Hell, I'm just a fruitcake redneck born Yankee.  Still, as an adolescent in the 1980's, I spoke to many Green Berets who fought in NAM, camped with them, smoked Pall Malls with them, and had them chariot me to Catholic school, such as a Sergeant Major, him never letting himself get promoted to a commission, for officers get people killed, and that was not his job.  He said, the best thing in NAM was a hot shower and shave.
   Approximately 58,000 killed.  I asked my Serbian Pap what that was about.  He said:  "Population control."  Took all the black kids from the ghetto, and the white hillbillies not able to get into college; specifically, wasted the undesirables.  
   The Sergeant told me many stories as he let me smoke cigarettes in his house.  Said air support would lift your ass up 6 feet off the ground, when the bombs hit nearby.  What the hell were we doing fighting a Nation without high-dollar economics, though trained in the art of Sun Tzu?  Numbers and size don't matter porn girls, for it is spirit and frequency.  
   These kids, slaughtered for mammon, and tortured for an old bitch gone in the teeth, yet having done nothing wrong but be born poor and supposedly uneducated, when a true erudite is an autodidact like Hemingway, Vidal, and so on.  Don't look like you're stupendously stupid, or they will try to kill you, but God Bless America, for She will Free you in the End with a soft disclosure.
   Like Rh negatives treated as schizos and such, when it is a higher vibration, and try to get a decent blood transfusion if you have that uncommon blood.  Love the government, or hate them; regardless, we must survive and spread Christ's News, Him taking the LAW up a notch.  
   God Bless the VETS, whether surviving or not, for this life is not the last, and many are at the next level, interrupting for the solace of the wretched.  

Han Meets Lando Again On Cloud City [1080p]

Dogs: Reward System

   "Dogs:  Reward System"
   Dogs work on the reward system.  Canines were always curious about man.  Throw it a bone; next, it helps you hunt and gather; plus, offers loyal companionship and protection.  Kick it, or lock it in a cage--it might bite the hand that feeds.
   Watching EWTN's Latin Mass, I heard the Priest deliver a pretty decent Homily; then, he commented on a certain family having a dog that they believed was almost human, but it chewed a squirrel or other small mammal to death, and this is proof that their essence of being is weaker than ours, but I say no, for many dogs are more domesticated than man, and we as people eat strangled meat and unclean food, though Jesus said:  "It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out of it."  But I bet He never ate a pork chop, unless it was protected by sea salt, pepper, and rosemary.  Plus, he cast demons into swine.  Curious.
   And as for man being obese, unhealthy, and totally gluttonous--the fox condemns the trap, not himself, as William Blake would point out, him having breakfast with angels every morning.  He was a morning guy.
   We are what we are.  And while energy cannot be merely created, it can be transferred, as somewhat goes the First Law of Thermodynamics, and this might be how Jesus was from the Father (the Source)--a transference of energy into the Virgin Mary's inviolate womb.  Like the Litany of the Sacred Heart says:  "Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the Womb of the Virgin Mary, and Heart of Jesus, Source of ALL consolation."  So go out and get you some of that Sacred Heart, a Heart passed from the Father, Holy Spirit, and Mother--to a Super-Symmetrical Son, obedient even unto death.    
   And don't make love tough by bullying, or you'll craft a monster.  Offer the reward system, transferring your energy into another's newborn solace for dandy deeds done.  

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Jack Burton's Questions: A Supercut

Kooky Lucy Frost (3)

   "Kooky Lucy Frost (3)"
   Kooky Lucy Frost and Cleveland had to make an exodus from the Big Bird yellow apartment complex.  And why do they call them apartments when they put them together, as the watermelon-smashing comedian probed?  Anyway, her deceased mother's father, her Serbian Pap dubbed Dragic Bradovic, let her move in with him, for he had great empathy and intuition, like a woman, being keen on the non-canonized Gospel of Thomas.
   Lucy didn't own much besides her comic books from the Carter Era; plus, of course--Cleveland, her loyal canine pal.  And Pap (Dragic) liked animals, never eating one that was strangled, but he boiled his pork chops in a ton of extra-virgin olive oil, along with rosemary, salt, and black pepper--never having had a stomach ache in his entire life; plus, he'd eat whole onions like a normal person does an apple.  Dragic had many phobias and concerns as well; thus, understood why Lucy had quit her job and morphed into a reclusive and impoverished little girl, though she was 39 years of age, but always a little girl to Dragic, her Pap.
   After settling into his modest habitat, he told her, as she had no health insurance, that he was going to send her to a psychiatrist, not a clinical psychologist.  He said he was happy to pay; furthermore, added:  "A clinical psychologist will tell you to be King Kong; however, some people are Godzilla; thus, trust only God, let Him be your power source.  And when you see the psychiatrist, don't make any eye contact with the patients in the waiting room.  There could be meek social phobic types, or raging psychotics, or both.  Just be like the cowboy Shane, sit at the back of the waiting room against the wall, never having another behind you.  Understand?"
   Lucy gave Cleveland a heavy stroke of love; next, said:  "Thanks Pap--you're the best."
   He stated:  "If you had only known your mother, for she was better than me."  
   Lucy dropped her head, trying to remember, and held back many a tear.  

Obi Wan Kenobi