Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reptilian witchcraft, brave eunuchs, & cyborgs

   "Reptilian witchcraft, brave eunuchs, & cyborgs"  
A quasi-medical curse on a semi-innocent man;
If he endures--you'll need the plan;
Moreover, an infertile eunuch with bacteria lurking in the cerebral/spinal region
Offers quicksand dismay to the serpentine legion;
Alas, glaring at Luna as if she is yours;
Next, a silver reflection betrays the glamour, like Mr. T rips off 'em doors;
Thus, the daystar becomes your only friend,
Melting away the shed that once did mend.
Post Script:  A bit bizarre and mentally adult in literary material; nevertheless, this BLOG innocently absorbs the gift of imaginative youth literature.  Not only might Vonnegut make reference that all the answers to life are contained within Russian Literature--we think:  LUNAR CHRONICLES might have some life lessons as well.  Mild fans of cyborg Cinder and android Iko we are.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

United States of Jackal

   "United States of Jackal"  
Anubis loathes a hard heart; plus, can sniff out the unclean;
Moreover, Neith weaves a burial to project you deep into delicious dream;
Alas, for the shapeless fools knowing toil and labelled folly--
All in America are saved by, especially the Pacific Northwest, brolly.
So, release your fuchsia and roll with a friend,
Knowing:  a fishing stream is as excellent as a hen's opulent den.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Anti-Christ: not really that bad?

   "Anti-Christ:  not really that bad?"
   Christ is the Torah Incarnate.  The Law in the Flesh.  According to scandalous legend--the Torah was offered to many peoples before acceptance by the Hebrews.  The others all denied it, possibly due to its anti-liberty policy of submission; moreover, Islam translated into the Queen's Language kinda/sorta means:  submission.  Are there dangers in the Abraham-spawned religions?    Did Christianity attempt to soulwash away all paganism and the spirituality of the American Indian?  Was it the brethren of Christ who gave the scarlet-hued Chiefs the blues and quasi-genocide?  
   The Nordic gods require no submission.  They only require Sacred Brave!  Thor does not make deals with the World Serpent; specifically, he is on quixotic safari to simply slay serpentine.  In time, he will kill the World Serpent; however, the toxic contagion of the reptile might overwhelm his immortality after the divine battle.  The snake swallowing itself is a never-ending cycle of our slavery, until we morph fantastic ourselves, becoming the gods King David mentioned us to be in the somewhat blasphemous Psalms.  Do we need the World Serpent to exist?  To continue our trials and evolutionary growth?  When will it end?
   Regardless, just read a science fiction book--so much of everything is misinformation.  Emily Dickinson kinda/sorta odes:  "We never give up our secrets."  But what if the excommunicated Rabbinical Scholar Spinoza is right?  What if there is a Divine Justice System at the end of all the confusion?  What if we are plugged in, no prosecutors & no defense--just our actions & thoughts; next, will decency ultimately triumph?   

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Spying into our computers

"Spying into our computers"
Months ago, after a political Blog--my Blog was cramped by intruders; moreover, 2day, September 6, 2014 Year of Our Lord--was as well.  Security & authorities need 2 be alerted or evidence gathered in your defense--hard copies made to protect you.  The religious, the occult folk; plus, all gathered very close to you are most likely responsible for intrusion, which leads to defamation, even for the sub-culturally infamous, such as most of us sublime miscreants are.  Protect yourselves.  And be wary of baby monitors too.  They claim to be friends of the past or even family--yet now:  wicked ghosts in the machine.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hating the search for Truth

   "Hating the search for Truth"
Balder may have had Dagaz tattooed on his tongue--
Having nightmares is no fun; plus, we may be crazy; we are not dumb;
Specifically, if you seek the Truth and forge its form,
Mischievous entities will attempt to morph your norm;
Thus, remember Christ after healing and demons driving,
For the adversary had to meet him cause stealing the pernicious thriving;
As a result, remember Pilate's quasi-question, concerning what the Truth extracts,
Knowing the antithesis can cause cerebral/spinal attacks.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tobacco Myths

"Tobacco Myths"
   Didn't smoke from age 26-30; nevertheless, lung cancer is possibly lurking, yet esophageal cancer really ignites the suffering.
   Tobacco is an anti-oxidant.  Tobacco can put Inflammatory Bowel Disease into remission.  A portion of the tobacco plant is possibly used in the Quasi-Ebola Vaccine, recently administered to the returning Americans.  Snus, a moist form of tobacco, like unto dry snuff, producing no spit-like juices, forged by the Northern Europeans--this seems the wisest.  
   All the Marlboro men expired in torturous fashion.  The regular cigarette might contain not just tobacco leaf, but stems, additives, sweepings off of the warehouse floor and toxic garbage like that.  American Spirit Organic tobacco offers the purest form of inhalation, burning longer as the lack of additives don't thieve the ceremonial blaze.  The gorgeous, scarlet-hued American Indian didn't roll 'em and chain smoke.  Some tribes modestly inhaled the tobacco, allowing it to lace their inner physiology; next, exhale, and the smoke carried the internal prayers to the spiritual realm.  But the cowboy became greedy, rolling rolling rolling, and putting lung caner on the historical record.
   Smoking robs of Vitamin C; thus, get some Vitamin C in you.  Too, drink green or white tea to protect from the aging process.  Hard cheese and possibly extract from the kava plant.  And gum health is imperative.  Floss & brush daily.  Soft bristles, gently, and brush the tongue as well, after cleansing the teeth; next, wash toothbrush under hot water.
   My German Grandma started smoking @ 16.  She chain-smoked till 87 when she ultimately expired.  No cancer, but weak breathing and morphine for her elderly pain shut her system down. 
   If you smoke--don't be greedy.  I'm guilty sometimes too.  Snus is a great alternative, and 60 MINUTES offered no ominous attacks upon it.  Yet again--oral care.  Too, any inflammation of gums; next, cease till healed.
   The most hilarious of all is an obese woman who brags how she won't even kiss a man if he smokes; then, she eats a box of candy every day, unearths a personal obesity and finds diabetes.  It's not axiomatic that if you use tobacco you will get sick from it.  But, it is axiomatic that if you eat a shitload of the Oreo Cookie you will morph into a high-sugared, horizontally-challenged passenger on the plane next to me.  We all got problems.  We all get through.  We all die.  The human body:  Bred for death & food for the Earth.  Until the Cyborg Revolution, when we truly become the gods King David did Psalm us to be.  And I'm an ass.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Werecoyote Poem

   * * * King * * *
   text from African/Irish girl:
   u such an alien dude/look, ebony hue, emerald eyes--i'm da bomb/u don't recognize/2, muscular thighs 'n a brain 2 boot/why don't u have ur crescent moon party without me/i'll slay ur waif slut--no shit/gah--u ever read SALINGER!?!
Crescent Moon/Crescent Moon;
Indeed--ignite the babalicious boon;
Alas, the anemic thieves play with my heart,
Mercurially stealing what tears my hide (pelt) apart;
Hence, I will grow in power as Luna evolves full,
Knowing a Harvest Moon instructs my incisors to drool,
And I find the rabbit both inviolate and a tramp,
Mating for physiological climax, yet a dim lamp;
Thus, I outshine the glow of daystar's kiss,
Being a suburban coyote--you get to digest a serpent's kiss.
   TOO:  WEREWOLF EATS VAMPIRE GIRL "BLOG" offers saintly sublimity merged with passionate Italians gone Catholic--no apostasy there, rather a re-invitation towards the Mystic Messiah--no crap . . .