Friday, September 18, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (16)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (16)"
   Cherish was resonating with Full Moon fangs--thought about hungrily biting off Evermint's trigger finger, making her humble to the higher code, obedient to the Divine Justice System mentioned by Spinoza, knowing:  Truth resides in Spirit, and the flesh forms bonds unbreakable in re-make, that reincarnation of the loins, us lusting, and stroking a man with the pointer finger, loving his swirling mustache fuzz and the adorable nature that he is--a hairy mammal.
   Fuzz restrained from the canine telepathy.  Spotted a rabbit.  Glimpsed Cherish with allowing question.  That old interrogative look of English teachers hating the Kerouac flow of streaming consciousness, blazing with outlined bold:  "That's not writing--it's typing."  Kerouac never found the  "home row" on his antiquated keyboard.  Yet we live.  And Cherish allowed Evermint the victory, getting a ticket; plus, all the Tylenol taken from their car since it is a dastardly demon concerning liver damage, yet infants can take it.   

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (15)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (15)"
   Lady cop Evermint was kinda/sorta nice; nevertheless, as a cop--she had violated the Bill of Rights thrice.  Thus, Cherish and her pulsating passion for before the days of the Industrial Revolution crawled over dumb Davy and out of the Ranchero's swinging door, swaggering up to Evermint in order to protest a traffic ticket and illegal search.  Too, she showed the love of canine family, bending down and kissing Fuzz on the wet nose, leaving her delicious scent for the delirious dog to yummy-up throughout the day.  Then, Cherish got in Evermint's face.
People are sick, anxious, and driven by an America based on worship of the Almighty dollar.  Now, these are just good old boys--leave em alone.
Driving recklessly is bad.  I've seen things.
Look, they got a hot girl, me, between em--were hot-rodding to jiggle my jugs is all--no crime in making a girl's boobs bounce.  Now all the downloaded porn is the real crime.  Wrecks marriages, turns teenagers into even nastier horndogs, causes jealous-driven murders, stalking, extortion, blackmail--you get me?  
Who are you lady?
I'm a lady with free will--even though there may be predestination or the Web of Weird.  Won't get into shit about Calvinism, but the people's positive reactions to the herb, such as King David himself as he did give Psalm, prove the nurturing nature of Mother Earth.  And God crafted the Earth and all that is in it--for the real service of man.  Who is a pig to question that?  Swine serving political law-makers and not the people.  Your false doctrine is to serve and protect--you do neither.  Go find a violent thug, fight fair; then, you might be considered brave without the protection of that fairy-like badge.  All people like you wanna do is genocide the Muslims while forsaking symposium on American Social Issues that affect millions of Americans.  True, submissive Islam is brother to Judaism and Christianity--Christ is the Apostle, son of Mary the most beloved by God, and He harnessed the potential and trust of the Holy Spirit Itself, giving ode about spiritual welfare, mercy, compassion; plus, He was friends with Arch-Angels who are comforters of the afflicted.  So, who are you cop?  This is the United States of America--a fucking free country, letting us be individuals, not mindless prey controlled and kept under the mind-bending thumbs of power-hungry politicians. Indeed, Reagan warned of a greater threat.  A threat outside of humanity.  Too, I like your dog.  You need to stop locking him in the cage at night--he thinks you're a real witch for it.   

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (14)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (14)"
   Gloin slurped a butterfly into his now quivering gut, feeling like he urgently needed to evacuate his bowels or crank out a digestive disturbance in the Force--cops even scare white people in the modern nowadays.  Lady Cop Evermint and canine Fuzz fumbled themselves out of the police automobile, sauntering up on two legs and four paw pads to the Hot Rod Ranchero.
You guys were flying.  Where ya headed with such Holy Fire?
California.  Medical, for my sick and weary father  He's got an inflamed rectum with complications.
You mean that "special" medicine.
You can't do that.  You need to find it on your own local streets, get murdered, imprisoned, or sick from the dirt weed freakshow.

Poking her lovely face, adorned in darker-than-forest-green sunglasses past Gloin's command of the turbulent situation.  Miss, income equality, freedom of Biblical herb, and tax the anti-oxidants; next, pay for health care with the money.  Like a sin tax.  Does Mr. Bernie fancy a sin tax?
Who the hell is Bernie?
Like the antithesis of Mr. Trump.  

The Milky Way Brothers (13)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (13)"
Lady Cop Evermint, like the The Cranberries--displaying a punk cut
Was balanced and fair with those sick in the gut;
Plus, as Arizona Heat with a Deputy Dawg dubbed Fuzz,
She kept her constant cool, only desiring the occasional, early morning beer buzz,
Yet as an odd member of the Catholic Church,
Schooled by Sister Megaberries; still--her:  not as spooky, yet prettier than Lurch;
Moreover, Lady Cop Evermint would not violate the 4th Amendment,
Being beyond copland by way of God's gift of the Love Commandment,
So when she spied the Classic Ranchero wending with V-8 speed burst by--
With water in her metaphorical cactus, she started her own 8 cylinder and did fly
Like a good witch on the blue light hunt--
Fuzz nervous--the deputy just a rabbit-eating runt. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (12)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (12)"
   Gloin and Davy's old man was feeling the bowel movement blues; thus, he sent the older, wiser Gloin a text.
That Bane villain on Batman is built like J.J. Watt.  I started doing push-ups in case I ever run into him in an alley.  Look kid, I'm bent over with abdominal and rectal pain.  Gone anemic too--of the iron variety.  Can't eat anything but bananas and only drink green tea, but I chill it.  Everything stinks, real bad.  I need some of that medical herb.  Was thinking of going to the streets, but that is dirt; plus, don't wanna go to the pokey since I don't live in the American West.  Too, Halloween is right around the corner.  My beer bird bath is evaporating as we speak.  Those flying pheasants are crapping everywhere.

The Milky Way Brothers (11)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (11)"
   The werewolf transformation was over--azure in the sky.
I don't mind that women cover sports, like football.  But stop wearing hot heels and permabuzzing with the hair and makeup.  There is something to be said for lesbians and their tough yet glamorous looks.  The Irish are wounded warriors and love God in a mystical way.  Rock 'n Roll women with buzzcuts and such.  So, let the women journalists in the locker room and on the sidelines pull their flowing beauty back in ponytails, wear slacks, and buff up, only ornamenting their facial foundation with foundation makeup and orange lip gloss.  

I come out of my wolf and you're bitching, about what?
That was incredible, but can you guys put on some clothes--it's smelling a little Earthy under my nostrils.
Did you enjoy what you saw Gloin?
I got me some eagle eyes, like a hovering hawk; I saw the wolves.  Ya, crap--I'm just a bit green-eyed and jealous.  Can you make me a werewolf?
Jango Fett was no Jedi, yet better.  We need a straight man Gloin.  A warrior with suavity when it comes to speaking for us.  You can explain things in an old-fashioned, down home way.  Davy is slow, and all people do concerning me is stare at my breasts.
My body--looks like I'm chiseled and cut.  I could model boxer shorts like Marky Mark did.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (10)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (10)"
   Nothing to write home about--not even me; regardless, Alpha Cool Cherish did bite a munchy portion of protective fur on Davy's fuzz-tail rump, for he was foolishly (like a  sublime coyote) trying to tip a sedated deer and gobble up its intestines, much to the disagreement of Cherish's well-received dog telepathy.  Yup, it was a rabbit-eating shape-shift, manipulated by the singular powers of the Full Moon, yet the goddess did not steer them away from a human conscience forged into their most populous minds by way of the well-spread wisdom offered by the Abrahamic God.  Gloin was alone on a motel porch thingamajig, looking heavenwards.

Father, don't let my little brother go bloodthirsty, yet retain his innocent love of hot women, fast cars powered by the combustible engine, and a touch of Spinoza's Pantheism--yes, he is stupid, but I adore his gumball bounce.
   Fierce howls from Davy and Cherish approached Gloin from the desert ecoregion, yet they were band-like, sounding of a sublime fight song written by well-meaning hounds.