Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nude and Naked Lunch

   "Nude and Naked Lunch"
   Like I mentioned before--stream of consciousness is mistake-ridden.  Wait an hour before reading my Blogs, unless you're the FBI.  I'll get them under control, but like Kerouac told his criticizing publisher concerning his mistakes:  "These are words dictated to me by the Holy Spirit Itself!"
   Too, he informed William Burroughs that he had over a million words.  William fancied himself an intellectual.  Kerouac, picking up on this during a meal, stabbed a piece of meat and put it in Burroughs's face, proclaiming:  "You know what this is--this is naked lunch!"  Thus, the weirdest, most gay book was born.
   Ginsberg and possibly Burroughs visited Kerouac while he was living with his Mom and wrote him off as a drunk so lore wends thataways; regardless, Ginsberg and Bob Dylan visited Kerouac's grave, Dylan muttering:  "Oohhughhh--I wanna Unmarked Grave baby."   

Gospel of Luke--Virgin Mary's Resound

   "Gospel of Luke--Virgin Mary's Resound"
  For heretical people, denying the Queen of Angels Her honor, at the height of the Roman Empire, it was foretold and prophesied--now axioms and truth continue on with the glorious hue of an effulgent azure blue.  The scribes of the Codex Sinaiticus adding nothing; thus,  know:  And She continues in futurity as it was given in the 1st Chapter of Luke--like this:

"For He hath regarded the low estate of His hand-maiden--for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

   Notice--I used the KJV for all Southern Baptists, some believing Mary to be  a witch of sorts.

  Even in the Koran, the 19th Surah "Maryam" lifts her up more than the heretics.  Though did the Arch-Angel Gabriel go Sarah Palin (Rogue)?  And 2 good things about the Republican Party:  Sarah Palin's Breasts!!!
   There were a plethora of Gospels, but FOUR were canonized.  As Saint Irenaeus claimed:  "Just as there are four winds; thus, there shall be FOUR Gospels."
   It was not Constantine's mother's love of Christianity that brought down the Roman Empire--it was barbarism.
   Like "Indy" Jones, theologians too have investigated the facts with severe intensity!!!

Existence Womb (5)

   "Existence Womb (5)"
   Miriam throttled back the 50cc engine, pushing it to the weak redline; nevertheless, as if motored by the sublimity of benevolent angels--she was mercurial in her reach of homewards.  
   Bursting through the door, her shock of a raven-black mane, save the patch missing behind her right ear, floating as she moved with much quicksilverish muster till Mom on the couch, the matriarch suffering from an unknown neurological condition, though able to get through days on her own--they had tried a caretaker, but caretakers were more like sitters, lazy crackheads usually, finding this type of employment not due to altruistic means, but because laziness propelled them to such a devilish and dandy way to thieve money from the weak and weary.
   Anyway, Miriam blurted out, not using caution with her mother's fragile neurology:  "Mom, am I Jewish?"
   Her mother blurted out in hysterical laughter, mumbling something about a biological father never to have been engaged in matrimony with as her VERY gentile family saw the greed in members of the tribe.  Regardless, there was no denial; next, an admission:  "Your Dad was a handsome Jew--so what?  Screw your dead grandparents and their hatred for my one true love, being a single, sloppy lady my entire life, your father taking his own life, laid to rest beyond your knowledge, you having no religion--the great science of your grandparents' day--now obsolete.  Those atheistic or pantheistic pricks with their outdated science professions.  And how can you be a pantheist and not believe in animism?  I never understood them.  Yet they provided well financially, for this earth, but soon my condition will overtake me--you left scrambling to survive on your teenage wits because all the money squandered on medical bills for this silly old bird.  Do you like bluebirds?  Big ones are real nasty.  Blue Jays living off of the eggs of life--cannibals really.  I like the Grackle, a black-bird with a hint of blue--so divine.  Honey, go upstairs and find me my Aqua Aura Quartz crystal--I can feel them in my head, and I need to block the psychic attacks."
   Miriam, like always, with "WTF" on her young mind--not getting Mom, ever, her history, the curse put on her by a vaginal hungry ex-boyfriend and reptilian physician father; hence, Miriam, as always, deaf and dumb--yet the Levites and their purity were in her.  Washing, bathing, cleaning menstruation and the succubus spill of nocturnal emissions.  Like the young Tobias on his travels, washing, burying the dead, and BANG--Saint Raphael the Arch-Angel undercover like Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street before the bad comedy movies made it all stupid, emasculating the history of a classic as was Barney Miller and Sanford & Son.    

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Love with Sophocles

   "Love with Sophocles"
When the patriarch does pass--
Do you show relief, like unto passing Oedipus Complex gas?
Furthermore, a matriarch wending weirdways and ugly--
Does your carnal uncouth evolve into something rusty?
Loading down with opprobrium upon a fruitcake divine,
Though him able to shit ice cream and forge Tennyson's (as Joyce claimed) mere rhyme;
Regardless, if you have "Young Tail" magazines safeguarded in your room--
Does it give reverie of thy mother's youthful womb?
What is next but axiomatic hypocrisy,
And to lie about an Almighty God--EVERYTHING He doth perceive and see--
Oh what glory is DEATH upon us all--
Into the honest hands of the Divine Justice System will we fall--
Blessed are the confessors as a Litany does preach,
Beyond this Dark Age of science that in two decades will be out of reach.

Monday, November 30, 2015

PSLAM 54--the fighter/bard, David

   "PSALM 54--the fighter/bard, David"
   The most read poet--King David.  It usually wends in the direction of the Bible; then, Shakespeare; next, Agatha Christie as being things mostly read.  But first, from Guns and Roses:
Your stupid girlfriends tell you that I'm to blame--
Girl they're all used up has-beens, out of the game--
If they knew half the real truth, what would they say?

Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.

Hear my prayer, O God:  give ear to the words of my mouth.

For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul:  they have not set God before them.

Behold, God is mine helper:  the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

He shall reward evil unto mine enemies:  cut them off in thy truth.

   There is more--check it out . . .

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Existence Womb (4)

   "Existence Womb (4)"
   Miriam was super-freaked at this point.  Circus people--"WTF!!!"  Regardless, she had an intrinsic and sincerely intuitive desire to further hear the bizarre rants of Brother Puck; indeed, he did continue, with the Otherworld gleaming in his forest-green eyes.
The placebo-effect is real, yet it can also be not real as well.  Remember the coyote mantra known by the American Indian:  "All is sacred; nothing is sacred."  There is truth in all religion, yet there are lies in all religion, like when the devil hacked into God's Creation and nuked the identity of a utopia-like Adamkind.  Wicca, even Christ both place merit in willpower or belief.  You can will it to happen, or believe it in your heart and it will happen.  Sometimes.  Unless possibly the mind is blocked or hacked into by demonic forces or negative people.  The ancients weren't ignorant--like with crystals allowing communication with the Otherworld, and yet now, science uses these same crystals and makes scanners and other communicative technology.  Johns Hopkins University found out that frankincense has psychoactive properties as do most plants that forge herb-derived medicines, outlawed by the government of the American South where reptilians are prone to thrive--not wanting people to know the truth or have true benefits.  Verily, evil is real.  And science will change in 100 years, not recognized by the science of today, yet modern science believes they are at the apex of knowledge.  Theology and the True Religion never change.  So, who is the real liar?  We can only scope 5% of the Universe when theoretically there is a Multiverse, with even greater wonder.
What the hell are you trying to tell me dude?
Just go home and ask your only living parent if you have Hebrew ancestry.  She will admit the real truth.  Know your name and its roots.  You have been chosen, as have many, to be tortured.  Not because you are into the Black Arts or believe in anything--some things just are.
   Miriam started her scooter, put her helmet on, very freaked, cruising away into wonderment.   

Existence Womb (3)

   "Existence Womb (3)"
   As if called by some radical mysticism, like possibly, Arch-Angel Gabriel went Sarah Palin (ROGUE) and gave literacy to Muhammad, Brother Puck came floating out of the Catholic Church, Saint Mary's, knowing mystically the suffering of Miriam and her Hebrew roots hidden beneath a family ashamed.  Yes Jesus claimed he knew:  "Salvation comes from the Jews."  And "Don't take the Holy Spirit from me God"  King David crooned in Psalms.  Miriam's eyes bugged out--knowing this was not normal.
Don't be phobic young madame--I am simply a layman.  We don't put jam on our toast like priests, nor have the elaborate funerals they do--it's all contained in THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. 
Feeling really weird.  Dude, I think I'm gonna bolt.

No madame--I insist you stay.  Look Catholicism was initiated the moment Christ died on the cross, way before Islam and Nietzsche's hatred of Martin Lucifer as mentioned in his ANTI-CHRIST.  Too, Vatican City has been around longer than Washington D.C.--we know more as Catholics; plus, General George was so stoned during the Revolutionary War, he had no idea what was going on, but I do.  It's the reptilians.  The snake in the Garden of Eden.  They've implanted you--are infusing you with anguish and anxiety and feeding off of it--it's how they get their food.
Is everybody a freak in this life?  Starts weeping.

Yes, there are many circus people in the world, but they're the ones with the truth.