Saturday, October 21, 2017
Mother & Father
"Mother & Father"
Not black/white. Not good/evil. Wicked. Heaven is not bought by patterns.
Does a Mother not hear Her child screaming on the battlefield--even the witches? Good for them; indeed, she does goodwill, for once, seeing the fragility of a child.
Father is battle-scarred and beaten, wearing His bruises gallantly. Yet, He is not proud. Eyes slanted, like a Jesuit Jap.
Father is the ultimate trickster, beyond the adversary, for Father goes in many guises.
Never can tell.
We need some goddamn music in here--ya schmucks. Everybody has bumper music. Nah, I don't want any; still, my blood brother, a warrior dwarf armed with elf-like skills, and a haircut for seven dollars--he's the man, yet he better start wearing the white hat, his friends too, but dude--if they don't follow the one true God; next, they only have atomic consciousness, but never ATOMIC GOD, for the Father is never cheated into selling out or rolling over. He will kill any and all souls that hurt His children.
Verily, the Father displays mercy for the defenseless.
Gonna watch some BARNEY MILLER reruns. I like FLINTSTONES vitamins. My blood brother likes mustard on his tater tots. My dog makes an asshole out of me by crapping in front of hot girls at the park and dumping on further hallowed ground. I carry a poop bag--she's a damn moose, but Sarah Palin hasn't shot her yet.
If it's Dodgers and Yankees--it will be ICONIC.