Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Craftsman: Christ

   "The Craftsman:  Christ"
   Imagine, if you will:  Sicily, 1913--you know what I mean.  Do you?  Always take your Vitamin D3.
   Loved Scripture.  Still does.  Turned His back on the ladies; as a result, they craved Him even more.  No education--just an angelic autodidact, more or less.  Went to Temple.  Spit on by many a Rabbi; plus, always spit on by the rich man save the likes of Joseph of Arimathea.  Just a carpenter, living with His Mother, after a foster father proved to be the terror of demons.
   But at 30--He had enough.  "Don't do it Jesus--they'll kill you."  A Mother did plead.  Her, Queen of ALL virgins.
   Listened to His Father instead, knowing a Psalmist from the past.  And He was a Son of David; plus, a god--the One, True God.    
   Animism, showing that Solomon was not clothed in as great a splendor as the flowers; next, would metaphorically spit His tobacco juice on the ground.  You getting this?  Nope.  You are not.
   They began to fear Him.  Knew He was not a poser.  Offered women, fame, money--on the mountain.  Turned it all down.  The brain doesn't die after a flatline, not immediately.
   Was Transfigured first, if only to show Himself.  Now, in Hell--operating at Full Power.  Shake and Bake brother.  
   Who is this man.?  Sucker--you had the chance to know.  We all did.  And spit on Him like the rest.