Thursday, October 19, 2017

USA: They bury us from within

   "USA:  They bury us from within"
   I break bread with a black dude every two months.  He has two jobs.  Has a wife and kids--I've met them.  Good man.  Good family.  And yet Maxine Waters wants to make him a slave all over.  Who has his hand up that educated woman's ass.  Putin.  He is the puppet master.  Brilliant.  Strong.  And as deadly as they make them.  Thank God for Trump.  He's a killer too, metaphorically.
   Went to the bank yesterday.  Not like years ago.  Now the banker wants to cut off my head.  I see his little eyes want to make me a Crusader again, as were my fathers.  He smiles wickedly at me.  Attempts to make me stumble.  Comes to my goddamn country, only in order to kill me.  You reject President Elect?  You little phony-educated snobs.  Go to Iran and hug them.  I dare you.  They'll cut off your head and sodomize your hippie beads so quick that you won't know what the fuck hit you.
   Putin is laughing Maxine Waters.  He's your allegorical daddy, Maxine Waters.  He owns you and your millions.  
   Are blacks better athletes?  I played goddamn ball for 5 years, numerous fractures, blackouts, and with cool black dudes.  They're not better athletes--just men, like all of us.  Don't believe me?  Then match Obama against Putin in a cage match.  It wouldn't last a second.  Put your Messiah, Obama, up against Putin--man to man.  We'll see who the better athlete is.
   So, keep talking Maxine Waters.  You're doing everything Putin is telling you to do, allegorically.