Monday, August 22, 2016

Ash Heap Hound (14)

   "Ash Heap Hound (14)"
   I was so happy to be home with Daddy.  Yet missed the scents and smells of the junkyard.  Spent my time working on my modified 'Cuda with the monster 383 block; plus, drag-racing Conner, just to 60, and for some reason--he always won.  That's me, Zoe, lost unto weird love.
   I always counted the days to the Full Moon.  When it wanes, things end--that can mean very bad things.  When it does wax, well, things get going--that can mean sublime things.  When it's FULL, I'm an American Foxhound!!!
   So, Daddy was so lovely.  Adored Conner, especially for not lusting over me, but treating me like a lady, for I treated him like a decent human being.  Didn't want his sex.  Didn't want his mind.  Just wanted to hang, and love him in that free-fall.  
   We all would take our muscle cars to Daddy's garage and work on them.  Conner and me got jobs delivering pizza.  We'd take home the crust and stuff, feeding it to the birds outside of Daddy's suburbia.  It was nice.  It was all so very, very nice.