Friday, August 5, 2016

Goose Clover (4)

   "Goose Clover (4)"
   After checking the air pressure in a set of tires on one of them Mustangs 2's, kinda cheesy vehicles, reminding of a Chevy Monza in crafted style, weak with only a four cylinder; however, having a four speed and shifting V-8 transmission; indeed, all the Mustang 2's needed were some intake and outtake options, making it better than stock in a sense of performance; next, you got a pretty fast car.
   So, after an autumn night's cruise homewards in my truck, windows rolled down to catch a kiss from the four winds, I'm back in my apartment, talking to my sister on the horn.
   She's all about me getting married, finding a lifetime love, and I would have none of it, but listened patiently before my response, which was:  "I like being a fifty-seven year old bachelor; it keeps me young; plus, nobody is nagging me all day."
   Then, I saw the future, like Warhol mentioning that we'll all be famous for 15 minutes in the future, and then, with the Internet and Smart Phones--it does come true.  And your spouse and friends bother you daily by posting cat videos, and sending them to your phone while you're trying to pump gas--you'll have to do that for yourself in the future too.